
3rd Mar 2008

Doom (2005)

Corrected entry: Throughout the film, Sarge refers to his men as "soldiers" and even addresses his own men as "soldier" at times. Marines never call themselves soldiers, as soldiers only pertain to the army.

Correction: This is purely an opinion based on present-day Marines who, for all we know, have no links of any kind to the futuristic group portrayed in the film. Sarge can call his troops anything he wants, short of getting their names wrong, without it being a mistake.


9th Mar 2006

Doom (2005)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, the Rock and the gang get back to the arc station in Nevada and everyone in the staff gets infected. At one point, the Rock starts shooting at a monster and runs out of bullets. He throws his gun down and begins to pull his other gun off his shoulder. While doing this, he bangs the gun on a pipe behind him making a loud noise and a funny facial expression.

Correction: And the mistake is what, precisely? Because, let's face it, people do accidentally bang things in real life.


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