
24th Jun 2005

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: Rusty hands Basher a device to rig up to create an explosion and diversion. As the police car begins to smoke, a voice can be heard that yells out "everybody down". It is in fact the voice of Matt Daemon. Later, when the SWAT team is in the elevator and they cut the power, there is another explosion (that of the robbers blowing the safe) and again you hear the same cry out, "everybody down". Again, it is Daemon.

Correction: Given that you actually see Rusty say it in the first instance, it seems unlikely that they would have overdubbed it using Matt Damon. It also sounds very much like Brad Pitt's voice rather than Damon's. The second cry is "Take him down", not "everybody down" - once again, we see this being said on-screen and it's not Damon who says it.


12th Mar 2005

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: When Benedict talks to Rusty on the phone, his security manager tells him that the S.W.A.T. team arrives 10 seconds before Rusty says his last words to Benedict and leaves his phone in the casino. But Rusty is joining the others as part of their fake S.W.A.T. team and we see them entering the vault a minute after. He would not have the time to change from suit (we saw him wearing suit when Tess found him in the casino) to a S.W.A.T. outfit in that time. Even if he went out of the casino the last time we saw him and changed clothes whilst still talking to Benedict, there was only 30 seconds until the arrival of the S.W.A.T. team. (01:30:35)

Correction: Just because only a minute of film goes past between Rusty leaving the phone and the 'SWAT team' entering the vault, it doesn't mean that that's how much time passes in actuality. It would take the 'SWAT team' much longer than a minute just to get themselves and their equipment out of the van (let alone move through the casino and the back corridors to the lift shaft, abseil down and head into the vault). Rusty has more than enough time to get changed.


26th Dec 2004

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: When Mr Zerga's case is being brought into the vault, it is seen placed on top of Yens box, and then seen, at the control room, on the screen. When Benedict is looking at the screen while talking to Rusty on the cellophane, there is no black case on top of the boxes. How come had no one of the security man noticed that the case (probably at the fake vault) is missing, after specifically following it before Zerga's "death"?

Correction: They're not watching the vault continuously - they have to switch to the vault cameras when Benedict arrives. With their rather agitated boss in the room, they're not going to be focused too strongly on the screen. Livingston switches over to the tape of the 'robbery' after only a few seconds - it's simply the case that none of them noticed in that short period of time. Once the 'robbery' is revealed, they've got other things to worry about.


7th Jun 2004

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: When Andy Garcia says "walsh" after he notices that there is no money in the vault, we can see how destroyed the inside of the vault is. If there had been an explosion that big the Amazing Yang would have died, or at the very least bleeding due to ruptured eardrums.

Correction: Remember that they throw a second explosive into the vault during their SWAT team masquerade - it's this detonation that wrecks the vault, not the initial one that blows the door. Yen was well out of the way for the second, larger blast.


7th Jun 2004

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: After the lights turn back on the motion detectors turn on as well. If that is so then the motion detectors inside the vault would be active as well. Those would go off when the vault door explodes due to all the debris being scattered about.

Correction: According to dialogue in the film, the blast that destroys the door locking mechanism also takes out the floor sensors.


25th Nov 2003

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: When George Clooney and Matt Damon first meet, George slides a ticket along the table, which Matt Damon subtly takes, leaving Mr. Clooney quite impressed. But before Matt takes it, George Clooney looks towards the bar, waves his hand, and is then amazed when the ticket's gone. Matt Damon had about 3 seconds to take it - anyone could grab it in that time.

Jon Sandys

Correction: While Danny looks away for about three seconds, if you follow the motion of his hand, it's only away from the ticket for about a second. Given that Linus wouldn't have known that Danny was going to take his hand off the ticket at that moment, it does require quite impressive reflexes to grab it within the one-second window.


If you watch closely, as soon as George lifts up his hand, Matt goes for the ticket and grabs it all in the same shot. You can see the corner of the ticket briefly flash on the bottom of the screen proving Matt successfully swiped it before the scene cuts. So even just a second is plenty of time to swipe something since the actor was able to do it. Even still, the movie seems to be implying that Matt takes the ticket while George has his hand on it since the camera pans down on George's hand flat on the table with nothing under it at which point George says, "That's the best lift I've seen you make, yet."

27th Aug 2003

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: If the thieves are surprised/concerned when the security guard places the briefcase on top of the cart where their accomplice is hiding, why does the recording they made have the brief case in exactly the same place?

Correction: That's not a tape. So that things remain exactly as they were, Livingston is simply looping a shot of the empty vault taken from after the briefcase was brought in.


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