
Revealing mistake: After Ace loses the guys in the car chase who kidnap Dan Marino, Ace goes hurtling through the park in his car and smashes through a picnic table. Just before his car flips you can see his windshield is smashed but no holes through it. As the car flips over the bush there is a sizeable hole in the windshield on the drivers side. Its likely the hole was for the stunt driver to look through on the flip. Ace in his car has to keep his head out the window to see anything in front of him (because of the smashed windshield). On the flip the guy has his head in the car. Later on the hole has fixed itself. We see this as Ace is driving Dan Marino to the Superbowl the windshield is still smashed but no hole and throughout the film its made very clear Ace doesn't have the money to fix it up at any point. (00:52:05)


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Ace's car flips over you can see the left wheel is elevated over the bush. If you look closely there is a wooden plank there to help the car lift itself over the bush. The other mistake in the shot is that there is no conceivable way the bush would have flipped the car. Unless there was something very solid in front of the bush, the car would have just gone right through the bush. (00:52:05)


Continuity mistake: When Ace is talking to the dog in Roger Pedactors apartment (after his death), he picks up the dog when Einhorn approaches. As he is picking up the dog he places his left hand around the dogs neck. In the next split second shot his left hand is around the dog's body. (00:37:55)


Question: In the UK (Region 2) version of the film, the scene in which Ace pretends to be Hans the dolphin trainer was removed. Can anyone tell me the specific reason why it was removed? Also do any other versions around the world (notably US and Australian versions) remove the scene?


Chosen answer: That scene was cut originally by the director Tom Shadyack because the scene did not support the story and thought it slowed the film down. (And the scene was cut from the US version as well.) It was added back later in TV versions of the film. Fan enjoyed the scene so much they asked it be put back in the film version. I know the DVD has it because I own it. It's hilarious!

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