
23rd Oct 2003

About Schmidt (2002)

Corrected entry: When Warren visits his fellow mobile homers and Vinnie, the wife, is talking about Warren being such a sad man, she is holding a pillow in her lap. When the camera angle changes the pillow is at her side. (01:03:45)


Correction: The pillow is always at her side. The first angle is shot from her right, where the pillow and sofa arm are. The top edge of the pillow shows, but it's not on her lap.


30th May 2003

Sliding Doors (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Helen is in the pub after dumping Jerry, you see James and his companion leaving the pub and as soon as they walk out the door, Helen's friend Anna walks in, but then a minute later you see James and his friend wave to her and walk out. It seems that they have left twice.

Correction: James and Clive don't leave the pub. Another couple (m/f) leave the pub and then Anna walks in. James and Clive are at the bar throughout.


6th Sep 2003

About a Boy (2002)

Corrected entry: When Will takes Rachel to dinner to confess that Marcus is not his son, watch the straw in Rachel's drink. It keeps changing positions throughout the scene and she's not even touching it.


Correction: As far as I can see, the straw never moves from its position at the front edge of her glass.


6th Mar 2003

About a Boy (2002)

Correction: There is a cord running from the guitar to what, can only be assumed, is an amp off-stage.


Corrected entry: The bass player and Faye are each listening to a "Walkman" to hear the song on the radio. The movie was set in 1964 and the "Walkman" was invented in the late 1970s.

Correction: Actually, those are transistor radios, which had earpieces to listen privately and not disturb others around you.


10th Jan 2003

White Christmas (1954)

Corrected entry: Wallace and Davis escape from the sister's show room, out of the window and get a cab. As they are in a rush they don't take anything with them. However, then at the station when catching the train they have all their luggage. How did they have time to get their luggage in such a rush?

Correction: The guys were at the nightclub where the girls are performing. Their luggage is most likely wherever they were staying.


Correction: Wallace and Davis are huge stars. Their plans were to leave by train that night, but first went to the nightclub to see the Hanes sisters' act. The stage employee who had gotten Wallace and Davis their train tickets and arranged their itinerary would also have had their luggage delivered to the train station. Once the luggage arrived, the porters would deliver it to their rooms.


27th Aug 2001

Fatal Attraction (1987)

Corrected entry: The shots of the exterior of Michael Douglas's Long Island home and the shots of the interior are from two different houses. This is most obvious because the front door has two windows on the top of it in the exterior shots and the interior shots show a door with one window. Also, when moving a couch into the house, the workers are shown coming into the house from left side of the porch, which is impossible because the exterior shots reveal a wall on the left side.

Correction: The exterior door with two windows is a side door. The interior door with the stained glass and off the open porch, is the front door, which they seem to use throughout the movie.


29th Nov 2001

Space Cowboys (2000)

Corrected entry: In the first mess hall scene, Eastwood has his ID card but after the young astronaut team sends them drinks the ID card is gone but is seen again in the next shot.

Correction: The ID is on a chain around Clint's neck. It's not visible because James Garner's shoulder is blocking Clint, but that doesn't mean the ID is no longer there.


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