
9th Jun 2024

Shrek 2 (2004)

Shrek: Quick! Tell a lie!
Pinocchio: Uh, what should I say?
Gingy: Anything, but quick!
Donkey: Say something crazy, like, I'm wearing ladies' underwear.
Pinocchio: I'm wearing ladies' underwear.
[Nose doesn't grow].
Shrek: [Laughs] Are you?
Pinocchio: I most certainly am not.
[Nose grows].
Donkey: It looks like you most certainly am are.
Pinocchio: Am not.
[Nose grows].
Puss in Boots: What kind?
Gingy: It's a thong!
Pinocchio: They're briefs!
Gingy: Are not!
Pinocchio: Are too!
Gingy: Are not!
Pinocchio: Are too!
[Nose continues to grow].


9th Jun 2024

Shrek 2 (2004)

Donkey: Mother?
[Fairy Godmother looks Shrek and Donkey].
Shrek: Uh, Mary, a talking horse!


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