
7th Sep 2019

Pain & Gain (2013)

Factual error: Early in the movie, Daniel's boss "starts reading Fortune Magazine" thanks to the new success of the gym. We are supposed to still be in the late '94 phase of the events (before Christmas, when he gets promoted) but the issue John is reading with Bob Eiger on the cover ("Disney's Epic Year") is the April 17, 1995 one. (00:09:10)


7th Sep 2019

Pain & Gain (2013)

Continuity mistake: Tony Shalhoub at the beginning of the movie sits at the bench saying that he does not like weights "because they're heavy." This takes place between 2 shots: in the second one the guy in the background wearing black tank and light pants, exercising with a red ball, suddenly is standing closer to the women at the machine, just so he can get in frame. (00:04:00)


7th Sep 2019

Pain & Gain (2013)

Factual error: On the phone with the private detective, Tony Shalhoub snarls "Everything's old in this freakin' hospital", which is ironic considering just by his bed there's a compact and very modern looking LCD monitor, out of place in a dingy hospital facility in 1995. (01:01:30)


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