
Character mistake: Jason's dad comes out of the car and uses consistently for the first part of the movie his crutch supporting the side where he has the cast. Walking on just one crutch, you have to support the uninjured side. (00:08:55)


Continuity mistake: Van Damme sprints when his buddy is forced to kneel before Stillwell; the problem with the cool sequence when he springboards off his back is that Stillwell in the shot when Goatee Guy went down had already regained his balance, while in this new action shot his leg is still raised. (00:05:30)


Continuity mistake: Sensei Tom Stillwell realises the threat from the bad guys being all evil in his dojo and jumps back yelling "This will solve nothin'." Before it cuts to a new view, he is looking away from the guy in a suit and looking at the others, but in the next shot he's still looking at the guy and only then checks Van Damme and the bearded dude out. (00:04:40)


Character mistake: In the opening scene with the mobsters threatening and then beating up Mr. Stillwell, the American flag in his dojo is hanged backwards, with the blue Union on the right. (00:04:20)


Other mistake: As the trio of bad guys enter the dojo to challenge Jason's dad, they go past a few students, who apparently prefer getting out in the street in their karate gi and bare feet rather than take a minute to at least put their shoes on - we even see one with sneakers and belt in hand, makes you wonder if he's just gonna drop his pants in downtown L.A. That one is not the door for the locker rooms. (00:03:30)


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Tom Stillwell is shouting instructions at the class. He calls for a stop with his hands behind his back, and the class turns and stands by as he looks...with his hands on his hips. In the reverse shot his arms are down. (00:01:50)


No Retreat, No Surrender mistake picture

Other mistake: Van Damme in the opening credits is presented quite literally as "Ivan, the Russian." During the movie they call him Ivan and is last name in the tournament is mentioned by the announcer as "Krasinki." So naturally in the end credits roll Van Damme is billed as... Karl Brezdin. Close.


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