Stupidity: Gargantos neutralizes Strange's cape tossing a motorbike at it. Hilariously enough, someone was riding the motorbike and Gargantos knocked him off the bike. The streets were littered with all sorts of wreckage; the biker who made a conscious effort to drive around all sorts of obstacles literally blocking 90% of the roads and ride right at the enormous monster in plain sight must have been in a hell of a rush.
31st May 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
31st May 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Stupidity: During the battle with Shuma-Gorath / Gargantos, Strange summons a variety of items that cut or would cut through him like butter (a single shard of the bus, a magic weapon, not to mention a massive circular saw), but he just doesn't use them anymore for no reason despite them being super effective. At one point Wong and him even try to pull the kaiju-sized monster to the ground using their physical strength, failing as anyone (but them, somehow) would expect when the monster was paying them no attention for a long time.
10th May 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
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