
9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Corrected entry: Vers avoids Coulson and the other agent because she's headed downstairs. While she has been remarkably lucky not to stumble into Talos who was in fact at level -6, one wonders why she was going dowstairs at all. She had no business doing anything further underground and she wanted to leave. She comes back only because she understands Fury is in danger. (00:51:10)


Correction: I'd suggest this is a contrivance, maybe a character mistake, rather than a plot hole. The film/story still works as a result of this, which wouldn't be the case if it was a plot hole.

6th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Corrected entry: Fury is laughing off the idea of Vers being an alien and asks a normal cop to put her under arrest. But then, it would not make sense SHIELD even bothered to arrive on the scene (assuming Fury was in LA already) if they did not detect also the crash of the escape pod, the huge ship exploding in atmosphere and thus treat the problem as serious. They also arrive simultaneously as the cop, in daylight, when Vers crashed at night.


Correction: Their knowledge of aliens was the same as anybody in those days. Fury just thought she was some crazy person, with perhaps some forbidden weapons and/or communications technology. They arrived after the security guard called it in, since there were multiple incidents at that location they decided to send in SHIELD agents (regular agents) besides a regular cop in case there was a connection. Since they arrived in daylight I'd say they had quite a drive to get there.


Just a note: was not just regular agents, Keller is on the site as well, he's the first to arrive even (I did not notice it the first two times I have watched the movie, partly because the deleted scene in the office made me imagine a different scenario). So it's important enough that the top brass from SHIELD (plus rookie Coulsen and whoever drove Keller) arrive but at the same time they waltz in with the odd normal cop as backup. They can't be there because of some dude said there's a lady in a suit, did they even notice a spaceship blow up (you'd expect so but the movie and MCU ignore it later when larger ships suffer the same fate)? I don't want to repeat myself too much and I agree with what you wrote: to me the dynamic seems quite strange. In such a long time the first respondents (in the middle of a city) arrive only when SHIELD arrives, an hour after they've been called. And no cop or fireman arrived before on the impact zone? The response to this crisis is pure 'movie logic'.

Right, Keller being there is weird already, since he just disappears when they confront Carol. Couldn't be Talos in disguise either or he would attack her. His questions at the autopsy suggests he replaced Keller after the chase. If that's got to do with deleted scenes though, not sure how to handle that. I agree that's weird, but a plot hole? The security guard called in the lady asking wierd questions, probably nothing about the crash. Anyway the response can still be explained by SHIELD taking over and have the regular law enforcement not respond until they arrive as well. Again, even in the 90's SHIELD seems to have a lot of power and control. You can only guess at what they really know or think.


In the deleted scene, Talos in disguises enters Keller's office thanks to the real Coulson kindly opening the door for him and the real Keller is discovered knocked out, bound and gagged there indicating he took his place. But deleted scenes are always tricky and in case of this particular movie they have to be discarded altogether I think, since some contradict the movie (Vers begins the movie meeting Jude Law as he is training some kids and does not visit him in his room; Vers bullies the biker guy into giving her the bike, etc). Anyway yes, we both agree the situation is weird, I understand you being as usual more cautious than me when it comes to call a contrived and scarcely logical behaviour a "plot hole" and I appreciate it, matter of opinion, we both pointed out what's wrong and what sort of explanation, lack thereof (or perhaps no need of) there is.


7th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Corrected entry: The date on the pictures of the crash site is 06/23/1990, contradicting what Fury says (and what the movie establishes elsewhere), with the crash happening in 1989. (00:47:25)


Correction: The date on the picture is in the classification section and refers to the date of classification, not the date of the crash. The markings however are incorrect for a classified document for multiple reasons, including not including a level.


Thanks for the specification, that is interesting! However, would something of this importance be processed a whole year after the fact?


Yes. Whenever a "new" document is created, its classification date is the date that the classification was determined and formalized. If a picture wasn't processed for a year, or if a blowup was later made (transformations count as new), then those "new" documents would show the date that the classification officer did the review. I was for a few years a classification officer, and sometimes had to review older material that someone never bothered to have reviewed until later.


Makes sense! It's a pretty nice detail then. Thank you, upvoted.


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