Stupidity: The protagonists need to know what Pope is planning with his drug shipments, in secret. So they sneak under a false name into Pope's party and... the policewoman goes dancing with Pope, who knows her and that she is a police officer! Good that nobody asks her anything - she'd have no way to explain her presence! At no point it is even hinted that he was just about to go upstairs, why would he, after all, with all those guests? And their secret mission continues with the alarm being triggered and Ice Cube KTFOing guards. Some stealthy mission, and they are even captured at the end! And even after all these epic fails, they just assume that Pope is not going to change anything about the shipment details. And to make all of this even worse, they know about the port commissioner situation, they talk about it and how necessary it is for Pope to control the commissioner, but don't take half a second to mention his name, which is all it takes for AJ later in the movie to 'remember' that he's been bribed.
21st Mar 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
6th Mar 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
James Payton: Now, you guys think it's gang-related. I say that's bullshit.
Maya: Because you're an expert on local gangs?
James Payton: No, I'm an expert on bullshit.
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: The brothers in law are shaking hands with Captain Hernandez in front of the district. There's a woman with long brown hair and carrying a purse. She keeps passing them by walking up the stairs, twice with a friend with a purple top, once on her own, and comes down the stairs not too long after. She's not the only extra recycled / passing a few times in succession, for instance a bald black man in a dress shirt. (01:31:20)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: For some reason, Olivia Munn decides to go create a distraction dancing with Pope. When she goes down the stairs, two women are ascending, but at the cut an entirely different one is coming up (who was also seen going down just at the beginning of the sequence anyway). (01:02:30)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Revealing mistake: AJ is looking through Pope's files. They various mails scroll by really fast but even without slo-mo it's fairly easy to pick up the fact that they are repeats, with the phrase "No mistakes this time" popping in more than once. Unless everyone is prone to mistakes in Pope's organization, it does not make sense. (01:12:45)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: Pope stops the trio as they are trying to slip away from his residence during the party. Filmed from behind, he is talking to them being to Ben's right, but filmed from the front, he's positioned between Ben and Maya, to the point that when he walks forward they have to make way splitting left and right. (01:09:50)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: Ben and James have stopped the "ghost" truck. Ben is gloating that it's their "first bust as the Brothers-in-law." Notice the cone of light under the vehicle, at the lower part of the car door. Next shot it's suddenly gone. The side of the pick-up keeps switching between lit or not, and in the last shot from normal height the doors are even fully open. In the aerial shot that comes after, just one door is open and the other closed. (01:16:40)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: Lt. Brooks calls to announce that Ben's career is over. Ben walks away; in the aerial shot that follows, the cargo doors are open at different angle and the two policemen who were filling in reports by the guard-rail are missing. (01:19:25)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: After James and Ben have been notified their punishment, the gang is in a bar, figuring out what went wrong. When AJ says "Maybe the container was made of coke", Ben's crossed arms switch position (look at the wristwatch). (01:19:40)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: When AJ tells the gang that there's a shipment every morning, Ben goes "Let's do it." Olivia Munn in the foreground has her chin leaning against the back of her hands; next shot and no hands in sight. Likewise, she changes arm position when James tells Ben that he needs to talk and they move away. (01:21:25)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: James and Maya open the cargo container and find pile of of drugs and weapons stashed there. Ice Cube holds the automatic weapon in different ways depending on the angle (just look at the strap), and when Pope gives them a shout you can see also Olivia Munn reach for the gun (which is on the cargo bed) using her hands in a radically different way. (01:24:40)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: AJ distracts the baddie that was shooting Ben with his assault rifle, and Ben manages to gun him down. The man dies falling in two different parts of the street - just look at the cracked section of the asphalt. (01:26:50)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: When James quite anticlimactically shoots down Pope's lead henchman to save Maya, he is completely in the open in the last shot of the sequence, but he was leaning for cover against the container all the time before, and was never shown moving, quite the opposite. (01:27:15)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Revealing mistake: During the foot chase, the small part that follows the one when they run through the BBQ party and James looks at them from his car, just before the trampoline bit, features the image in reverse. Look at the writing on AJ's pack, or how now Kevin Hart is wearing his watch on the right wrist, with the gun holstered on the left. (00:29:25)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: In the footage inside the bathroom at Pope's, Kevin Hart is wearing a different sash from the rest of the party scene (or more likely, the same one but inside out by mistake). It's particularly obvious when he looks out of the window and the two patterns alternate depending on the camera. (01:04:50)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Audio problem: At the end of the scene with Tasha, Kevin Hart's voice says "I'm just asking" when he has his back turned to the camera. His mouth does not move when the phrase is heard, only before. (00:48:20)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: At the beach booth, AJ makes Ben pick up a can of Fanta Grape from a pile of 6 (3 on bottom 1 on top). Ben picks up the one on top and puts it back on the counter by the rest of the pile. The can disappears in the wider angle and is back on top of the pyramid right at the cut. (00:51:40)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: When Ben spits out of the trashed hairy taco, extras around him have changed position - just look at the girl in a purple bikini on the beach volley court, the ball she is holding disappears between shots. (00:53:00)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Continuity mistake: The brothers in law have just retrieved AJ from the beach, but baddies on a BMW start chasing them. In close-ups James is holding the wheel using his left hand, since he is using his right to push Ben out of harm's way, but in the one external view of the action in between those closer angles, the driver is holding on top of the steering wheel a right hand. (00:53:35)
21st Feb 2020
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Revealing mistake: In the sequence with Ben faking a right turn and baiting the pursuant baddies into a bad left, as the car flips hit by the pick-up, you can see without need of slo-motion that there are no people in it, merely hydraulics. (00:56:20)
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