
18th Feb 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Character mistake: Mrs. Loomis is crazy and does not really think things through (she finishes her speech saying "who gives a f..." and that she's untraceable anyway), however it's worth noting that when she tells Sidney the official version that the police will believe, she is wrong; she says it wiping the gun clean from prints and throwing it away, which means that the police would find the supposed murder weapon with neither Mickey nor Sidney's prints on it, and neither wears gloves. Moreover, she plans to disappear and she was prominently featured in the media coverage, so people would certainly investigate her at least as victim.


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Suggested correction: I don't think that a psychopathic character acting irrationally and jumping to unlikely conclusions really constitutes a character mistake. But I do think it's also worth pointing out though that cops usually don't rely on fingerprints on guns anyway - the likelihood of finding a usable print on a gun is minuscule (only about 5%), and there's going to be traces of things like skin-oil and whatnot on it from being handled, so the cops will likely just assume it was used by someone in the room - the most likely candidate being either Sidney and Mickey. Mrs. Loomis is also using a false identity and has got surgery to change her face before, so she could likely disappear pretty easily. Real-life killers get away with disappearing all the time.


I am no expert in true crimes and forensics, I am just challenging the movie logic here (which is why I talk about the behaviour of a crazy character who is running exposition). What I get from your objection though is that the cops wouldn't be able to tell that she wiped the gun clean from prints and so that wouldn't stick out as suspicious? She didn't really change her face, since Sidney recognizes her when she gets a good look at her. Rewatching the scene anyway it's very evident that she does not really care because she simply puts her faith in the cops not being able to track the fictitious Debbie Salt, so I would be happy with a correction here, I was interested in pointing out that the whole first part about wiping the prints and throwing the gun aside does not seem to logically follow up, I take note that according to your objection using 'real science' and forensics practice it might not even be that.


10th Apr 2005

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: When the officers pick Sydney and Halle up at their dorm, they tell them they're going to a safe house straight away. It can't be more than 5-10 minutes later when the killer catches them (since they're still within a short run of the university campus), and even allowing 20 minutes for the car crash scene and Halle's murder, and another 15 for Sydney to run back to the theatre, it's still barely 45 minutes. In that same time, Derek has been kidnapped, carried to the theatre, stripped and tied to the hanging star, then tortured as the frat guys and sorority girls throw a party around him, which they've also had time to completely clean up (since there's no trace of the party when Sydney gets there). There is no way all of that could have happened in the time frame allowed.


Correction: It's not unrealistic for the frat guys and girls to kidnap Derek, take him to the theater, and tie him up in that amount of time. They could do that in 20 minutes. We also don't see that the kids have a whole party. They just pour beer on Derek.

It's hard to negate that there's something wrong with the timeline of the movie there; Derek's hazing is merely an excuse to get drunk, it's not like they were just tying him up, throwing a bucket of stuff at him and then leave; they were dancing around him and pouring the beer they were themselves drinking. Not only they cleaned everything up (you do see the odd bottle and cup around), but the stage is also completely dry. And 45 minutes is an estimate that is mighty generous too, I'd cut it in half.


27th Aug 2001

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: When Sid is moving the theatre blocks they are knocking people over, but theatre blocks are made of Styrofoam and so they would weigh next to nothing.

Correction: The killer, Debbie Salt/Mrs. Loomis, was only collapsing from the shock. You can tell by her expression and her gasp for air. The shock came from the moment of complete silence, then the crashing of the styrofoam theatre blocks.

While I do agree that the mistake should be corrected, I do think it also should be pointed out that a solid cubic foot of foam can weigh 1-2 pounds. Judging from their size, I think it's reasonable to say each of those blocks weights at LEAST 5 pounds. From the height they are being dropped, 5 pounds of weight can cause some real damage/pain. I once dropped a 5 pound weight on my head from just a few feet up, and it HURT. Dozens of 5+ pound blocks hitting from that height at once could be REALLY bad news.


I see no moment of complete silence (on the contrary, Sidney turned on the fake thunders and is banging stuff like a blacksmith in the back); If it's more the 'surprise' than the weight to knock her off the wall, the stuntwoman takes the blocks on her back, hunched over, so she was waiting for them, negating the effect of the actress that was looking up and screaming.


24th Nov 2002

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: When Derek is captured by the frat guys, he has weird marks drawn on him in red marker. These are clearly visible when Rebecca Gayheart and the other sorority girls are taunting him with prop knives. However, a few scenes later when the guys pour beer over him the marks have dissapeared, returning when Sidney finds him.

Correction: The weird marking is stage blood (which is completely washable using alcohol). All of the frat boys and sorrority girls are in the play at the theater they are punishing Derek in for giving away the Greek letters, which means all of the frat boys and sorrority girls were allowed access to the stage blood for self rehearsel and actual rehearsel. Also the play they are acting in includes numerous deaths which explains the stage blood. So the weird marks were washed away, over time, by the beer.

Having established that fake blood washes away, the entry says that the blood reappears, and the correction does not address that. There's a super-fast (you -have - to freeze-frame to catch it) but right as it cuts to the traffic lights in Sidney's story where you see a 'snapshot' of the end of the hazing, and Derek has all the markings reapplied to his body. So apparently after marking him and showering him in beer, they put marks all over him again.


29th Aug 2003

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: When the killer is on the phone to Randy, Randy runs up to a guy with a mobile, who is right near the van that the killer is hiding in. Shouldn't Randy be able to hear the killer in the van which is right next to him?

Correction: Not necessarily. Randy is still far enough away the last time the killer speaks that he probably wouldn't hear her through solid metal, by the time he's close enough to be able to hear the killer doesn't speak any more, just reaches out and grabs him.


He actually delivers with gusto the "Wrong guy, dead boy" line when Randy is literally inches away from the van, while filming him through the van window as shown by the footage - and the other window of the van is even open. Technically possible but the entry is more factually correct than the correction.


27th Aug 2001

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie when Sidney first walks out of the dorm building we see a red sticker on the door by where she puts her hand, but in the next shot from the door outside, if you look closly the red sticker is not there. In fact it is an entirely different door.

Correction: There is no mistake here. As Sidney leaves the dorms, we can see there are two sets of double doors, and it is the second set of doors that have the red stickers on them. In the inside shot we see Sidney pushing open the first set of doors, but when the shot changes to the outside of the building, Sidney is now pushing the second door which has the red sticker on it.


"It is an entirely different door", as the entry says. Of course now it's matter of debate if you consider a continuity 'mistake' the fact that she's pushing the second door or just consider it a normal practice in editing, which shortens and smootherns the walk by doing a practically flawless transition with Neve Campbell's arm movement. The discernable breach of continuity is there when you look, but like many continuity 'mistakes' (the word can be so misleading, it's not as if we can read intent and tell) it actually benefits the pacing and the scene would be worse without it.


28th Oct 2014

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: Mickey gives himself away as the killer. At the hospital after Derek is cut on his arm, he tells Sidney, what made him go back into the house anyway? The only people there were Sidney, Derek, and the killer. Sidney even has a strange look on her face after he says that, like, how did you know he went back in the house, but says nothing.

Correction: How is this a plot hole or even a mistake? The producers could have had that in the script on purpose to see if the audience would catch onto it. Movies have been known to do that. As you said. Even Sidney had a strange look on her face when he said it. So it might have been part of the script anyways.


I am "correcting the correction" a bit because Sidney's strange look on her face is merely because she is buying into what he says and suspects Derek; from that point on she always suspects Derek and never shows to mistrust Mickey. But the entry was inconsistent anyway, because hours pass since the "slicing" scene and by that time it would be completely out of logic if nobody knew the circumstances that led to their friend being hospitalized.


17th Dec 2001

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: At the cinema at the start, a few people come out saying how scared they are. Stab has been running for less than two minutes and hardly anything has happened. If they scare this easily, what are they doing at a horror movie?

Correction: The girl says that she's scared because Stab was based on fact. She may have simply been disturbed by that.

The entry mentions that a few people say they are scared, and it is true, you hear them say that. The correction focuses about another girl entirely who says she is disturbed by the fact that those people really died (and so she did know in advance the story, not that you can Miss it since it's on the poster - although all sort of people walk into a cinema dragged by their friends, it doesn't address all the others). The cinema is a single screen one, too, so it's not like they can come in from another projection.


24th Nov 2002

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: Sidney is told to hit Alt+M in the library when her computer freezes to access her message, but when she does this the sound effect used is of 4 keys being hit, not 2. (01:02:55)

Correction: This type of command requires you to hit the combination of keys at the same time. I don't know about you, but I often have to hit such multiple key commands more than once because I did not press them at the same time. Perhaps that is what Sydney did here.

I can't agree with this correction. If you watch the scene, that is definitely the sound of someone pushing multiple keys in sequence and not someone who tried once or twice to press simultaneous ones and failed. I count even more than 4 (although it'd be hilarious if she actually typed "A-L-T-M").


20th May 2004

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: At the party, when Mickey, Randy and Sidney's friend (forgot her name - the one who's studying psychology) are talking about The Empire Strikes Back, the girl says that "these furry creatures were nice" and Mickey says: "Ewoks - no, they sucked" (or something). But Ewoks appear in The Return of the Jedi, not in The Empire Strikes Back. It may not be a goof, since Sidney's friend may not know Star Wars trilogy that well - however Mickey should.

Correction: She was just saying they were cute. She didn't have to know which movie they came from.

That's what the original post says, it takes exception to Mickey not correcting her. However, he just didn't have time to do that since she was walking away and there was really no point, they were not engaged in a debate, so I agree that it can be considered a bit too weak to be a character mistake.


13th May 2007

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: When the blonde girl gets stabbed as the killer stabs the knife into her you can see he just slides the knife along her robe to give the appearance of getting "stabbed". This is also visible when he pulls the knife out of the blonde, cause no blood comes out with the knife or on the knife.

Correction: Blood doesn't immediately flow from a stab wound or cut. I sliced the palm of my hand to the bone with an X-acto knife, and it didn't bleed for at least 10 seconds due to shock. It bled a whole lot after that, but initially didn't bleed at all.

Supposedly it's a Deliberate Mistake because it mirrors what happens in Scream 1, which allegedly is a mistake fans kept pointing out to Wes Craven who then decided to replicate it in the spoof 'Stab'. However, this is one of those Trivia entries in IMdb and other places that feel like they're just rumors I'd like to find a source of; it's not in Wes Craven DVD commentary track, and 'Stab' was not directed by him anyway.


12th May 2004

Scream 2 (1997)

Plot hole: It is highly unlikely that the murderer knew Phil was going to put his ear to the stall when he heard the babbling. It is even more unlikely that the murderer is going to get him on the first stab through the stall. (Which also requires a lot of strength). We also have to assume that he spent time hanging out in the bathroom knowing Phil would go there to begin with, and that other two men with weak bladders were doing the same simultaneously forcing the victim to go to the stall to begin with. (00:07:45)

Joel Gordon

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Suggested correction: The killer is incoherently whispering in a strange way in the adjacent stall to lure Phil to press his ear up against it. After stabbing him through it, the killer inspects the knife inquisitively, as if checking to see if he actually got him. While it's still not a terribly plausible scene, the killer's demeanor suggests that he encountered Phil in the restroom by coincidence and improvised the kill, rather than anticipating all of Phil's actions as part of a perfectly executed plan.


The general logistics and planning of the murder are a separate issue - because no, the murder was planned. The entry just says that it's "highly unlikely", putting it mildly, that the killer could guess the exact position Phil would pick to listen to the noise. Just a few inches up or down, left or right, make a huge difference. The killer looks at the knife admiring the results, because if he had any doubts that he got his victim, he'd be trapped in a bathroom with a screaming, wounded, angry Phil and plenty people who could come and help.


To be more clear, the correction here is that Phil had heard strange talking/whispering rather than music, which makes it at least a little more plausible the killer would think he might put his head up against the wall at a certain spot. Unlikely for sure, but unlikely isn't a mistake, it's just what movies do. Phil's death was planned yes, though it stands to reason the plan was more "surveil and strike when vulnerable" and less "wait for him in this particular stall we know he'll be next to."


27th Aug 2001

Scream 2 (1997)

Corrected entry: In the movie Stab, there are many details shown that the writer couldn't possibly have known. For example, when Sidney is talking to Billy, the conversation is practically word for word. Sidney didn't want Gale making the movie, so she wouldn't have told her what happened.

Correction: In the end of Scream, Sidney was thankful for Gale saving her life by shooting Billy during the final attack. Sidney most likely told Gale the whole story as a kind of compensation, which people do in movies and real life. Secondly, Sidney did not know about the movie, only the book which the movie was based upon, and there is no saying Sidney did not want Gale making the movie or the book. Sidney was only angry with Gale for setting up a reunion interview with Cotton Weary without her consent.

Assuming that Sid had a nearly perfect recollection of the conversation, the scene in "Stab" ends with him smacking his forehead and muttering to himself "Stupid" which is what happened in the first movie when Sidney already had left. She couldn't have reported that detail and the corridors were empty.


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