Question: Now that Shadow the Hedgehog is confirmed for Sonic 3, who do you think could be a good match to voice him?
Darth Crucible
15th Mar 2023
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Answer: Robert Pattinson or Jason Griffith.
15th Sep 2021
Alien 3 (1992)
Question: Assuming that Ripley wasn't infected with the queen before ending upon fury 161, would the facehugger implanted the queen embryo into the dog/ox or use one of the prisoners assuming it can choose which embryo to deposit first.
Answer: It could be the Facehugger either has a short life span or a short period of time to lay her egg.
6th Oct 2020
Onward (2020)
Question: Assuming that the film didn't underperform, would there have been a sequel?
Answer: A sequel is still possible, but PIXAR and Disney say there are no current plans for one. They are open to the possibility but claim to be moving away from a sequel-heavy slate to instead focus on original projects. Although it received good reviews, Onward under-performed at the box office, though that was partially due to the COVID pandemic. A sequel is doubtful, or, if there is one, it could be a straight-to-video DVD.
17th Jul 2020
Aliens (1986)
Question: When the Marines first enter the hive and encounter the cocooned colonist, at what point would she have been trapped there before the chestburster emerged?
Answer: As seen in the first Alien movie, once infected, the gestation period seems to be a matter of a few days. However, considering that Newt appeared to have been alone for a period of time, the colonists may have been cocooned for a longer period before the alien queen "impregnated" them.
Answer: No one can say for sure. In the first movie I don't think we really know how long Kane had the facehugger on him before they rescued him, so with this colonist, she could have been there for months.
12th Jun 2020
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Question: If Skynet was prevented from coming online, how did Legion develop the idea for creating terminators?
Answer: Skynet and Legion were both developed for identical purposes: defense network artificial intelligence. It stands to reason they would both evolve in similar ways. Since both Skynet and Legion were fighting a similar human resistance, they both developed similar infiltration units.
12th Jun 2020
The Terminator (1984)
Question: In one of the future scenes when the resistance base is under attack, is the model of Terminator a T-800 but with a different skin job?
Answer: Yes. Reese explains that the terminators used to have rubber skin and were easy to spot. The T-800 has living human skin so it's impossible to tell by simply looking at them. That is why the resistance starts using dogs to spot terminators. The terminator that attacks the base looks entirely human and only the dogs know anything is out of the ordinary.
1st May 2020
Biggles (1986)
Question: How was Biggles able to land the helicopter on a moving train despite only just learning to fly it?
8th Apr 2020
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967)
Question: How does Spectrum recover its wrecked SPVs?
17th Mar 2020
Sonic the Hedgehog (2019)
Question: This is a two part question: firstly if Crazy Carl was onto Sonic why didn't he find any of Sonic's quills when Tom found one without even looking for one? Secondly: what happened to the ring that Sonic threw and bounced of the robot, did he get it back, or will it play a part in getting Robotnick back in the possible sequel?
24th Nov 2019
Alien 3 (1992)
Question: At the start of the film when the facehugger tries to get into Newt's cryotube, why does it use brute force instead of acid to gain entry?
Answer: It does use acid, but it has acid for blood so it needs to harm itself first to produce the acid.
In the first Alien, didn't the facehugger use acid to get into Kane's helmet? It wasn't bleeding acid.
It actually isn't shown exactly how the acid was used to get into Kane's helmet. The creature jumps on his helmet and Kane falls over with the creature on the outside and next we see, the creature has melted its way into the helmet. So it could be it cut itself, just as the creature does in Alien 3.
22nd Nov 2019
Alien 3 (1992)
Question: When the Xenomorph is mere inches from Ripley, how was it able to know there was a queen inside of her?
Answer: Most likely by smell or other sensory perception. We already know that the aliens inside the hosts adapt and take on DNA and characteristics from them, like most being humanoid from the humans or the one in Alien 3 being more canine since it came from a dog. It's likely that the creatures inside also alter the host's body chemically to better suit their growth in such a short amount of time. This would also be necessary in other situations where the aliens are catching humans or the humans are being exposed to eggs, and the aliens wouldn't kill them or take them again knowing they already have a young one inside them. Now in Alien 3, it's not necessarily the case that the alien knew that it was actually a Queen inside Ripley, but at the very least, it knew one of its own kind was already inside her and knew not to harm her.
11th Dec 2017
Alien 3 (1992)
Question: Is it true that there was going to be a scene at the start of the movie where the Sulaco exploded, and why wasn't it filmed?
15th Nov 2017
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Question: Why does Krall believe that the Federation abandoned him and his crew? The Federation wouldn't know where to look when The Franklin was declared MIA.
Answer: To start, Edison (who became Krall) was part of maco (Military Assault Command Operations). When the Federation was created, maco was disbanded and Edison became a Starfleet officer. When he was put in command of the Franklin, he had already begun to resent the Federation for being "put out to pasture" and felt obsolete as a soldier in an organization that promoted diplomacy, peace, and tolerance. When the Franklin crashed, he sent out a distress signal that was suppose to tell the Federation where they were at. He had no way of knowing they didn't get his distress call. Already resenting the Federation, Edison's anger grew and he simply felt they abandoned him and saw it as the Federation trying to get rid of former soldiers.
15th Nov 2017
Aliens (1986)
Question: How was Burke able to get the two facehuggers out of their stasis chambers into the the same room as Riply and Newt without becoming a host himself?
12th Nov 2017
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
7th Nov 2017
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: This is a two part question. Firstly how many students did Luke have before his academy was destroyed by Kylo Ren? Secondly what will happen to the New Republic now its capital is destroyed?
Answer: Any answer would be conjecture - best just watch the next movie.
Answer: We learn in The Last Jedi that Luke had Ben Solo/Kylo Ren and a dozen other apprentices. Kylo killed 6 of them and took the remaining six as is apprentices, the Knights of Ren.
The knights of Ren are not the six apprentices Kylo takes with him. The knights of Ren are Snoke's followers, dark force users. Kylo joins them and becomes their leader later on.
7th Nov 2017
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
The Battle - S1-E9
Question: Why didn't Captain Picard activate the Stargazer's auto destruct sequence when he gave the order to abandon ship?
Answer: Probably because he held out hope of one day reclaiming the ship.
6th Oct 2017
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Question: How did Harry know that Agent Whiskey was a rogue agent?
Answer: Harry probably believed Whiskey told the Golden Circle where they were since none of them were followed. Then there is also that Whiskey shoved the antidote out of Eggsy's hand he started to suspect he did it on purpose.
Answer: While nothing is ever presented on screen to show which side he was on, there would be offscreen time to show evidence where Harry might have suspected him.
14th Sep 2017
Logan Lucky (2017)
Question: When Logan gets fired, is it part of the plan or was it really liability issues due to his bad leg?
Chosen answer: It really was a liability issue, even though as he said it didn't prevent him doing his job. The liability part was that he didn't mention it when he applied for the job.
7th Sep 2017
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979)
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Answer: Keanu Reeves was announced as voicing Shadow.
Ssiscool ★