
17th Apr 2024

Community (2009)

Season 4 generally

Trivia: Creator Dan Harmon was fired during season four and rehired for season five. Harmon attracted some controversy when he finally watched season four and made several vulgar jokes about it, as he felt it was like an "unflattering impression." He later apologized and stated that he had a lot of respect for the writers and season four showrunners for trying their hardest to replicate his work and keep the show alive, and said he thought many of the jokes and the Rachel character were great.


20th Sep 2021

Community (2009)

Trivia: Some exteriors for Greendale were filmed at Los Angeles City College, a real school in LA. Most of the filming at the college took place during seasons one and six, which had higher budgets and could afford more location shoots. Other exteriors were shot around the Paramount lot.


28th Oct 2020

Community (2009)

Trivia: According to Dan Harmon, a lot of Chevy Chase's dialogue in the series was based on things he actually said behind-the-scenes. He'd say something odd or nonsensical in conversation, Harmon and the writers would jot it down, and then they'd add it to the scripts during rewrites.


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