
Continuity mistake: In the very last fight, when Rick jumps down and charges the Emperor, watch his hands. In the first shot, they're moving back and forth as he runs. Then it cuts, and they're instantly up like a boxer despite him having no time to lift them between edits. Then it cuts to a shot from behind, and you can tell from his shoulders that he no longer has his arms up. Again, there's not enough time for him to have lowered his arms between edits. It goes by quickly so you have to pay close attention.


Continuity mistake: During the big chase, when Alex is under the chariot, he lets go, spins around and climbs up the back with Lin's help. In one shot under the chariot, you can see that he has a big hole in the left kneecap of his pants. But a few shots later as he's climbing up the back, the hole disappears and is missing throughout the rest of the scene. Seems the wardrobe got damaged and then replaced during filming.


Continuity mistake: When Evie goes to seduce Rick, she pulls the belt on her gown and the camera cuts. Instantly between cuts, her robe is suddenly open.


Continuity mistake: When Rick tells Alex that he put down "more mummies" than him and Alex replies "You put down ONE mummy, dad!" watch Alex's head. In the first shot, he's facing Rick. When it cuts, suddenly he's instantly looking to his right, and then he turns his head to face Rick again.


Continuity mistake: When Alex arrives at the club towards the beginning, Jonathan pulls him away from the pretty woman and gets him a drink. The camera is behind them in a medium-wide shot, then cuts to a side shot as the pretty woman walks by and Alex watches her. Except when the camera cuts, the pretty woman just sort of appears right next to Alex, when she wasn't visible in the previous shot. Jonathan also goes from looking straight forward at Alex to looking to his right at the bar between the same cut.


Continuity mistake: During the short scene when Jonathan is talking to the yak at the camp, he instantly goes from facing sideways at the yak to facing forward at the campfire between edits at one point.


Continuity mistake: When Rick, Alex and Jonathan are going over their plan at the mountain temple, watch Jonathan's hands when he sits down. He takes both of his gloves off. However, during one quick shot in the scene (where Jonathan says "Me?"), suddenly his left glove is back on. The next time you see him a second or so later, both gloves are back off again. There's absolutely no reason why he'd put one glove back on only to take it right back off, nor would there be enough time for him to do so between edits.


Continuity mistake: During the final battle, when Mad Dog and Jonathan are in the plane, Mad Dog remarks about his men drinking for free at Jonathan's bar, and it cuts to a closer shot of Jonathan. In the first shot, Jonathan isn't holding the plane's doorway, but in the second shot, he is. Additionally, Jonathan goes from facing forward to facing Mad Dog between the edits, and a gun appears in front of Jonathan in the second shot that wasn't there in the first shot.


Continuity mistake: During the final battle, when the planes arrive, pay attention to Evie when she says the line "Jonathan certainly knows how to make an entrance!" Between cuts, she instantly goes from being about two feet away from Rick to pressed right up against him.


Continuity mistake: During the chase scene, after Jonathan says "We can use this!" Rick rips the top off a large box and throws it behind him. In the first shot, only Rick is lifting the box-top, but when it cuts to the next shot, suddenly Jonathan is helping him lift it. The cut is instant, so there's no time for Jonathan to have reached down and grabbed it between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Alex and Rick are discussing their guns and battle tactics, when Alex says the line "I say we ambush them with long-range rifles...", pay attention to Jonathan sitting in the background. In the first shot Jonathan only just starts to stand up. But then it cuts to a closeup of him, and he's not only standing all the way up, but he's also walking to the left. The cut is instant, so there's no time for him to have finished standing up and started walking between the cuts.


Continuity mistake: During the final fight, around when Rick says "Enough tricks! Where is your honor?!" there's a quick shot of Alex unconscious. His body is leaning against a pillar. About 2 seconds later, Rick runs up on top of a globe-shaped structure (right before he says "Fight like a man!"), and Alex is visible on the side of frame - he's in a completely different position and no longer leaning against the pillar. There's not enough time for him to have moved between the two shots, plus he's knocked out.


Continuity mistake: At one point during the big battle, Rick and Evie run up a small hill and Rick grabs a sword from the ground after running out of ammo. Evie is behind him. The camera cuts to a different angle as Rick charges at some terracotta warriors, and suddenly Evie is in front of him and running behind him again.


Continuity mistake: When she's first given the Eye of Shangri-La by her old associate, Evie is holding it and the box it came from in front of her is open. There's a few very quick cuts, and suddenly she's no longer holding it and the box in front of her is closed. There's no time for her to have put it away and closed the box between cuts, nor do we hear the box being closed. It seems like a few shots of her putting it away has been edited out to quicken the pacing of the scene. Regardless, it's a mistake.


Continuity mistake: When their old associate is first giving Rick and Evie the Eye of Shangri-La, watch closely when Rick says "Just out of curiosity, what is the mission?" After he delivers this line, there's an edit, and his facial expression completely changes instantly between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Alex and Wilson are exploring the tomb, Alex tries to run back to their dead associates, and Wilson grabs him. Right as Wilson says his last "Alex!" pay attention. In the first shot, his hand is around Alex's neck, but in the second, it's suddenly not. Additionally, Alex goes from facing forward to facing Wilson instantly between the same edit.


Continuity mistake: During the prologue, when the Emperor tells Yuan to rise, he lifts his left hand in a friendly manner. It then cuts to a shot from behind, and his arm is instantly down at his side.


Continuity mistake: When Rick is trying to stab the Emperor with the dagger, in most shots, he's only using his right hand. However, if you pay attention, it's clear a few times that he's also using his left hand. You never see him directly holding the dagger with both hands. But you can briefly see his left arm bent and reached over near his right in such a way that he's holding the dagger with both hands beneath frame in two shots. It seems they tried to cut around him using both hands for some reason.


Continuity mistake: When the armies are charging at each other at the start during the final battle, there's a weird error. In the very wide shots, it appears the terracotta army are marching at a deliberate pace in perfect formation, but when it cuts to any closer shots, they appear to be chaotically running with no formation. It's most noticeable after Rick says "Welcome to the 20th century!" and the army goes form marching in unison to chaotically running and back several times over the course of 30 seconds.


Continuity mistake: When Rick and Alex are going through the guns at the mountain temple, Alex grabs the first gun and puts it in his left hand. When it cuts to the next shot, suddenly he's holding it in his right hand. The cut is instant, so there's no time for it to have switched hands between edits.


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