
5th Oct 2022

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Trivia: The movie is based on a story producer David Kirschner made up to entertain his daughter about how a neighbor's cat was actually a boy who had been changed into a cat by witches. His wife thought the idea was fun, and told him he should develop it as a script. Kirschner agreed, and fleshed it out into a proper script with horror writer Mick Garris. It was originally called "Disney's Halloween House," but was later renamed to the snappier title "Hocus Pocus."


3rd Oct 2022

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Trivia: The film is produced by David Kirschner, who also came up with the original story idea. Despite "Hocus Pocus" being a family-favorite, it's not Kirschner's first foray into something creepy and supernatural... he's also the main producer on all the "Chucky" movies (and the TV show), and even designed the Chucky and Tiffany dolls. It's pretty ironic... he's responsible for both delighting and terrifying 80's and 90's kids all over the world.


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