
8th Oct 2019

The Howling (1981)

Trivia: There are numerous Easter-eggs relating to wolves throughout the film. For example, in one scene a character is eating "Wolf" brand canned chili. And in another scene, a character is reading a book written by author Thomas Wolfe. There are many other small wolf references scattered throughout the film. Keep an eye out for them.


8th Oct 2019

The Howling (1981)

Trivia: Many shortcuts had to be taken due to the incredibly tight budget. For example, the infamous final shot of the sex-scene being hand-drawn animation was done because the crew ran out of time and money and couldn't get the shot done in live-action. Additionally, Karen's final transformation was not seen, and her transformed face is only seen in extreme closeup because the effects crew ran out of money and could only afford to make a small puppet head for the scene.


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