Question: When the Jedi Padawan saves Bail Organa from Commander Appo, why did one of the clones say "Don't worry about him, let him go"?
15th Jan 2019
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Answer: Because they are currently at work and can't abandon their mission to go after him.
My point is when they let the Senator lives, the clones will think that the senator will tell his allies such as the Jedi.
Well the vast majority of the senators are controlled by Palpatine anyways. The Clones don't really know who is or isn't under his influence. And it still would not be a wise move on even Palpatine's part to have his troops start killing Jedi and Senators as well. This would create too much going agtainst him in the public eye when he already has to sell that the Jedi, renown protectors of peace, and seen as super heroe, that are now the enemy and were attempting to over throw the government.
29th Dec 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Is Anakin a hypocrite considering that he saved Palpatine from Mace Windu, but he killed Darth Tyranus in cold blood?
Answer: I wouldn't say so - he's loyal to Palpatine regardless. He saves him from Mace Windu, then kills Dooku/Tyranus on Palpatine's orders. I don't see the hypocrisy.
You're missing the point, Anakin saves Palpatine because he viewed him as a Father. The point of saying Anakin a hypocrite is fairly clear. Because when he was asked to kill Tyranus he did it without mercy. But he even mentioned that "It's not the Jedi way" to Palpatine. But later in the film, he saved Sidious from Mace Windu. What a hypocrite.
Answer: This is an interesting question. Early on in Episode II and III he always talks about wanting to be a better Jedi, but breaking the rules by killing Tyrannus in cold blood, killing the sand people, distrusting his mentor and friend. Being a hypocrite though, that means he judges people for breaking the rules whilst doing it himself, he doesn't do that. Nor does he pretend to say he is the most powerful or knows more than others, not while he was still an apprentice. But Anakin is so lost and confused, the fear inside him clouded his mind tremendously, being corrupted by Palpatine without seeing it, up to the point he aids Palpatine in killing Mace Windu and thus completely and permanently turning his back from the light side. He does realise this right then and there though, doesn't go on pretending he is more than just a Sith or still a Jedi, he fully gives in to the Sith ways. Although some parts of his old self creep back when he talks to Obi-Wan later on, about how he will overthrow the Chancellor and rule the galaxy as Emperor himself. At that point he becomes a hypocrite, talking to Obi-Wan like he's the one confused, talking about his powers like he is the strongest. After being beaten by Obi-Wan and thinking he killed Padme though, that all disappears and he is the silent and deadly servant of Sidious we know in IV and on.
27th Nov 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Is Mace Windu more powerful than Yoda, considering he did defeat emperor Palpatine, which Yoda couldn't do?
Answer: Mace didn't actually defeat Palpatine. Palpatine was putting on a show for Anakin to gain sympathy and try to force Anakin's hand into turning on Mace to further propel him down the path of the Dark Side with no hope of return. At any point, Palpatine could have easily turned the tables on Mace and took him out, but he knew Anakin was coming. That's why he dispatched the other 3 Jedi so quickly so that they wouldn't be in the way, and knew that Mace would have the most impact on Anakin having the Jedi turn on the Master.
But Mace defeats Sidious fair and square.
Palpatine made it look that way. Because he knew Anakin was coming and wanted to see him in that predicament to gain more sympathy from him to act against Mace. Palpatine threw the fight, took a dive.
Regardless, What I'm asking is Mace stronger than Yoda consdiering that he defeats the Emperor regardless when Anakin intervened.
No, he is not stronger. Yoda's highly force sensitive blood is even mentioned in Episode 1 when they discover Anakin's blood. That "No Jedi has a count that high, not even master Yoda." Yoda is over 800 years old and a long time student of the Force, and of his species. Not to mention he even has such a high count in his blood in such a small body. Mace is basically just human.
Pretty much similar as to if Anakin is stronger than Yoda considering he beats Darth Tyranus. But in reality, Yoda is stronger than Anakin or Mace Windu.
I wouldn't say Yoda is stronger than Anakin... just far more experienced. Again, he's had 800 years to study and master the Force and expand upon himself. Anakin is still learning and only in his 20's. Also after his limbs are cut off and replaced by the mechanical parts when he becomes Vader, he's actually a lot weaker than he was since he lost so much of his precious blood.
I think Mace was closer to winning and had a great chance had Palpatine not devised his being weak plan as an afterthought after Anakin shows up while he doesn't have his lightsaber anymore.
It wasn't an afterthought. He was manipulating the situation from the get go, having the entire thing planned out and staged ready for the perfect timing of Anakin to walk in.
Sidious didn't plan on Anakin walking in right before he was killed. That would have been too close. He planned on beating the Jedi Masters and use their bodies as proof that the Jedi are traitors. That would have been enough for the council and Anakin. You have to understand that Mace Windu is the most skilled lightsaber duelist of all Jedi, far superior to Yoda. There is no way Sidious could have beaten him. Yoda on the other hand is the best force user of all Jedi, superior to even Luke. All in all Yoda is the most powerful Jedi that ever lived. Anakin Skywalker, especially after joining the dark side, the second most powerful. The fact his body was broken didn't weaken him, it only made him stronger. The reason Yoda didn't beat Tyranus or Sidious is because he is too compassionate, and getting older. Tyranus used that against him and Sidious, well, he just got lucky I think and Yoda gave up too quick. No sith besides Vader has surpassed Windu, Yoda or Obi-Wan.
19th Aug 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Why couldn't Darth Tyranus sense that he was going to be betrayed by Darth Sidious?
Answer: It has been established that Sidious knows the Force extremely well, if not better than anyone. Perhaps he was able to shield himself using the Force in a way that prevented Dooku from sensing he was going to betray him.
But Tyranus is powerful. Even Sidious feared him when he was a Jedi.
Answer: I don't think a Force-user can specifically sense that a betrayal will happen. Maybe Dooku could sense danger, but not who would cause it or when. Also, he might have been feeling over-confident (despite his age and experience). According to one book, Palpatine/Sidious told him that they would kill Obi-wan together, then convince Anakin to join them.
26th Aug 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Can someone enumerate to me who knew that Palpatine is Darth Sidious?
Answer: At the start of the movie the only people who knew are Dooku and others close to Palpatine. It's possible Grievous knew too, but we never get a confirmation. By the end of the movie all the remaining Jedi know, as well as Senator Organa and all the clone troops. The Senate doesn't.
It is said that in the film's official novelization, Grievous doesn't know Palpatine is Sidious.
Dooku, Maul, Maas Amedda, Sly Moore, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Ochi of Bestoon all knew.
19th Aug 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Did General Grievous know Palpatine is Darth Sidious?
Answer: No. It was a well kept secret that only his apprentice knew.
Who is that apprentice?
Not only his apprentice knew. Maas Amedda and Sly Moore also knew.
Answer: First it was Darth Maul in Episode 1. Then in Episodes 2 and 3 it was Count Dooku.
25th Jun 2018
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Since the Jedi already knew that Count Dooku is a Sith Lord, did the Jedi ever find out that he is also Darth Tyranus?
Answer: Unlikely as Obi-Wan knew from Jango Fett that he was recruited by a man named Tyranus and with that information they could have known the clone army was ordered by the sith. Its possible after the betrayal that Yoda and Obi-Wan figured it out, but by then it was not much use.
It is eventually revealed in the Clone Wars series to Kenobi and Skywalker that Tyranus and Dooku are one and the same. Prior to this, the Jedi had no idea who Tyranus was.
But like I said that would mean they knew the clone army was connected to the sith.
It most certainly should. That Kenobi never connects the dots is an astounding oversight. I've always felt like it was a writing mistake to have Jango Fett reveal the name Tyranus to Kenobi, as it makes the Jedi, and Kenobi especially, seem incredibly stupid for not putting everything together. The fact that the Clone Wars series makes it clear that Kenobi knows exactly who Tyranus is but the Jedi still trust the clones afterwards is insane. It would have made much more sense to keep the identity of Tyranus a secret to the Jedi.
Yep, the Clone Wars series tends to do that a lot.
Then why did Obi Wan didn't do anything? Like telling the Jedi order that the Clone army is is a part of the Sith Plan.
I think that's a mistake in the clone wars series, which was made after Episode III was released. In the movies they didn't know.
Good point. But I wonder if the Jedi ever wondered about Dooku's Sith name.
Hm I see what you mean. Maybe they didn't think he had one? I think Dooku preferred his real name over his moniker. Since he had power with his name, he still called himself Dooku. Also, his identity as a Sith was a secret for a long time, but even as he was revealed as a Sith he still introduced himself as Dooku.
Among the three apprentices of Darth Sidious, Tyranus is the one who ressembles Palpatine the most. They're both mature, noble, political leader who has a secret sith agenda.Both of them hide their Sith Identity.
2nd Feb 2015
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Near the end of the movie, Obi-wan does not seem at all convinced that Darth Vader has any good left in him. But in "Return of the Jedi", Vader tells Luke that Obi-wan once thought as Luke does (regarding the possibility of Vader being redeemed). What was he referring to?
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Answer: The clones are basically brainwashed at this point, with their sole purpose being Order 66. Since Bail is not a Jedi and is not a direct threat to their mission at hand, they decided to let him go. If there had been a commander with them (more trained in tactics than these expendable soldiers), perhaps a better decision would have been made.