
Answer: No, it simply washed out to sea. His brother, Faramir, found the broken Horn of Gondor and knew it was a sign of Boromir's death.

Answer: Sam inherits Bag End from Frodo after Frodo sails to the West.


Chosen answer: By this point the witch king is indeed stronger than Saruman. However Saruman's power had been declining ever since he chose to follow Sauron.


Question: Why did the scourging of the Shire never take place in the film?


Chosen answer: The film was already quite long and the plot was complicated with many characters. Adding the Shire scourge would be nearly impossible to incorporate without completely bogging down the story and the pacing. It was implied in one scene as a shadowy premonition that this could happen to the Shire if Sauron wasn't defeated.


Question: Who is the 2nd in command of Sauron? Is it the Witch King or the Mouth of Sauron?


Chosen answer: The Witch-king of Angmar is Sauron's second in command. The Mouth of Sauron serves more as an ambassador and messenger to Sauron.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: It is unknown whether Shelob survived. In the film she is severely wounded and flees the battle, never to be mentioned again. The description in the book is identical, she is said to have never been heard from again after that moment.


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