
22nd Jan 2004

Bride of Chucky (1998)

Corrected entry: At the beginning, when the cop is going down the stairs, there is a flag hanging incorrectly on the wall behind the stairs. The stars of the flag should always be on the left, but the flag was vertical. I think that the cops more than anyone would have the flag right.

Correction: This could be considered a decor disaster, but does not qualify as a movie mistake. It's very possible in reality. For instance, not everyone knows how to hang a flag properly.


9th Sep 2002

Bride of Chucky (1998)

Corrected entry: When Chucky is spelling woman as "B-I-T-C-H" on the spelling computer the computer voice is clearly out of sync with the letters he presses (saying "T" as he hits "I" etc.) (00:26:00)

Correction: No, it's all correct. The first three letters we see him press, and the sound is accurate. The last two are pressed while we are shown the screen, and they are also accurate. No audio problem in this scene.


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