
Question: Why would Jessie's friend take the chance of stealing that piece of paper with Ally's number on it, while their gangster "friend" who is supposed to be pretty scary is right there, when he is sitting there filming the whole damn thing and could just go back and get the number off the camera? (01:01:50)


7th Sep 2017

Saw III (2006)

Question: When Amanda sits down beside John, before his procedure performed by Dr. Lynn, John tells Amanda that he needs her to do some things for him. He tells her that there is an envelope with her name on it in his drawer, we assume that this contains the things he needed her to do. However, later on in flashbacks in Saw 3D we see that Hoffman actually puts the envelope in the drawer. We also learn that written on the paper inside the envelope Hoffman reveals to Amanda that he knows that she was with Cecil the night that Jill lost her baby due to Cecil's actions, and if she doesn't kill Lynn he will tell John what he knows. So why would John know about the envelope at all?


Chosen answer: First, slight correction, we actually see Hoffman wrote the note in "Saw IV", not "Saw 3D." And the answer to your question is never revealed. It's possible that Hoffman told John he was leaving a note for Amanda. It's also possible that John did leave a note, but Hoffman replaced it. It's possible John knew what the note said, and was using this to test Amanda. There are plenty of possibilities. But it's never overtly explained.

Halloween: Part 1 - S1-E4

Question: One thing I do not understand is this... "if" the souls of the deceased (that die within the walls of "Murder House") are trapped there for eternity then how does the maid get to go see her mother (obviously off premises) and Tate get to meet up with Dr. Harmon for coffee for his appointment?


Chosen answer: Because on Halloween, the souls of The Dead are said to roam the Earth. That includes those souls that are trapped within the walls of the "Murder House".


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