
11th Jul 2008

Resident Evil (2002)

Corrected entry: When the code is entered for the door after the first zombie fight, the guy entering it says "got it". His lips aren't in sync with the words.


Correction: If you watch and listen carefully, you'll notice JD is mouthing the word "five", the last number he typed in. The words "Got it" are a question asked by Spence, who is off camera.

13th May 2008

Lost (2004)

Flashes Before Your Eyes - S3-E8

Corrected entry: Desmond claims that he was saving Charlie's life by saving Claire from drowning by jumping in before he does. However, if Desmond had not had a flash to witness the event of him dying, Charlie wouldn't have known it was happening either as he followed Desmond to the event. As we find out later, they were a mile inland, so there's no way Charlie could have found out until a long time after Claire had drowned.


Correction: Incorrect. After they learned that Eko was killed, they would have returned to the beach, where Claire was drowning. Then Charlie would have died trying to save her.

2nd May 2008

Red Dwarf (1988)

The End - S1-E1

Corrected entry: In the exam scene we see Rimmer slap his hand on the paper leaving a massive hand-print from the ink, yet when he stands up and salutes there isn't a sign of ink on his hand.


Correction: Rimmer places his left hand on the paper. When he stands up and salutes he is using his clean right hand. We do not see his left hand again as he keeps it by his side.


27th Apr 2008

Joe Dirt (2001)

Corrected entry: When Joe is doing the crocodile scene, you can tell that the cigarette is fake as there is no smoke coming out of it.


Correction: Or maybe it went out...?

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When Indiana breaks in through the window, he lets go of his whip, yet he has it through the rest of the film despite us never seeing him retrieve it.


Correction: Just because we don't see it onscreen doesn't mean it didn''t happen. He could have retrieved it anytime after killing the guards.


Well... don't they immediately leave the room, before their escape is foiled?

Spiny Norman

The moment when Indy picks up his whip, it's actually shown. While Henry Jones is studying the broken jar, Indy is coiling the whip in the background.

Big Game

Corrected entry: When Indie rescues his father and shoots the Germans, the one that he pushed over stayed on the floor. Surely being pushed over couldn't have caused him that much damage.


Correction: He probably stayed down to avoid getting shot, since that's what happened to the others.


I checked the scene just now - the guard who has some lines is taken out without any sort of proper fight. I ask you, Mitchell and Webb excepted, when do Nazi henchmen EVER decide to take it easy and live to tell the tale instead? At any rate, he's taking a huge risk that the Joneses won't sway the gun on him for good measure.

Spiny Norman

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