Continuity mistake: The central plot of the movie revolves around an e-vite (electronic invitation) that Oh accidentally sends to the entire galaxy. The content of this e-vite, however, mysteriously changes mid-film. Oh initially creates this e-vite in a spur-of-the-moment decision. It's a simple message containing "Fa-da! I have sent directions to my living space", along with a simple textual address. He accidentally presses the "Send All" button instead of "Send", thus transmitting it to the whole galaxy. But later, when Captain Smek orders the content of the message played on screen, it is a highly elaborate, cheery, video invitation addressing the entire galaxy and deliberately revealing the location of planet Earth. This something MEANT for the whole galaxy. It ends with a cheery "Come party!" echo. From this point onward, whenever the transmission signal pulse is shown in the space, instead of repeatedly uttering "Fa-da...", it repeatedly shouts "Come party!" (00:11:53 - 00:45:01)
8th Jun 2020
Home (2015)
5th Jan 2020
Home (2015)
Continuity mistake: The floating Eiffel Tower's swing axis changes. When it first starts to swing, the swinging axis is perpendicular to that of the tunnel. (It remains that way in the 6 subsequent shots.) After hitting the floating pile of stone statues, its swinging axis has rotated 90° and is now across the tunnel. (00:48:48 - 00:51:29)
3rd Jan 2020
Home (2015)
Continuity mistake: During the group-hug scene, Oh's staff (a.k.a. "The Shusher") magically disappears. He has it both before and after that scene. (01:11:28 - 01:12:07)
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