Sol Parker

23rd Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Weight Gain 4000 - S1-E4

Corrected entry: When the kids are rehearsing the play, the crowd only appears when Mr. Garrison says "To hell with Kathy Lee Gifford." The crowd is nowhere to be seen before then. (00:11:00)

Sol Parker

Correction: The crowd's immediate appearance in the scene is not sudden. The crowd is first shown on screen after Mr. Garrison says "To hell with Kathy Lee Gifford". Before this point, the last time an angle from in front of the stage that the kids are rehearsing the play on is about 25 seconds before the crowd's "sudden appearance", in the shot where the kids playing the attackers invade the Indian land. This twenty five second gap would give the crowd ample time to get to a closer view of the stage whilst the kids were rehearsing.

Casual Person

24th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: Cartman's height growth was purposefully done as part of the visual joke to show how his weight gain has exaggeratedly affected his body. The effects are not supposed to be done in a scientifically accurate manner, but done more to show the audience how ineffective Cartman's attempts at getting into shape had become through a visual medium, without resorting to any sort of needless exposition.

Casual Person

13th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: Cartman was sitting/leaning across the table.

29th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Pink Eye - S1-E8

Corrected entry: When Kyle cuts Kenny in half, there is a skull behind him, how did the zombie head become nothing but a skull so fast, it was only cut off seconds ago.

Sol Parker

Correction: Considering that it was Halloween night, that skull probably isn't real and was placed in the cemetery as a prop for the holiday.

21st Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Free Hat - S6-E9

Corrected entry: One of the guys says that they had always meant to have dewback lizards in the background, but the lizard appears in the foreground. (00:15:00)

Sol Parker

Correction: A) This is a joke about idiot directors. B) "In the background", in film, actually can refer to everything but the primary action of the scene.

13th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: This is not an error. A green interior switching to a blue interior within the same episode or scene would be an error. Good Trivia? Yes. Mistake? No.

24th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: That still doesn't make it a good idea. Most of the people are walking away and are still in earshot of the speakers.

5th Nov 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: It wouldnt be particularly hard, considering Cartman's 'car' was travelling at about 5 mph.

11th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Show generally

Corrected entry: After the episodes "Cartman's mom is a dirty slut" and "Cartman's mom is still a dirty slut," in which we find out that Cartman's mom is actually his father and his mother is yet to be found, Cartman's mom is still always mentioned as Cartman's mom even when the kids say Cartman has no mom, and also they say he has no dad.

Sol Parker

Correction: Cartman has known Liane as his mother for his entire life, and his friends always knew her as Cartman's mom. When people find out that someone was not their biological parent, they often consider the person to still be their parent. And nobody has properly filled the role of a father for Cartman. So, despite knowing that Liane is biologically his father, he continues to feel that she is his mother and he has no father.

Correction: They call her "Cartman's mom" out of habit.


13th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: Almost certainly intentional.

11th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Correction: This is not a mistake because Cartman said it. For one, Cartman is stupid and gets things wrong all the time. In addition, many people in real life make the same mistake because no one pays attention to the diet information in the commercials, just the fact that he lost weight by eating Subway.

13th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Professor Chaos - S6-E6

Corrected entry: When the boys are at the amusement park with all their potential new friends, Ike is with them, not only is Ike Kyle's little brother who is in kindergarten, not 4th Grade like all the other kids, but Kyle is always trying to get rid of Ike. Why would Ike be in competition to be one of the friends?

Sol Parker

Correction: Since Ike is always following Kyle around, he obviously wants to be one of the boys. Kyle probably let Ike enter the contest just to get his entry fee, with no real intention of letting Ike make the final 10.

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