
8th Nov 2009

Heroes (2006)

Season 1 generally

Corrected entry: In some episodes Claire voluntarily hurts herself (like when she grabs a pan out of a hot oven or when she sticks her fingers down the sink disposal to grab something). She is obviously badly injured these two times but shows absolutely no signs of pain whatsoever. Later in season 1 when she tries to do the back tuck off the tower she breaks her leg and is in agonizing pain. Also Peter has this power too, and he shows signs of pain a couple of times throughout the season. Do they have pain or not?


Correction: They do have pain, at least in the earlier seasons. That being said, the more she does these things, the higher her tolerance for pain becomes. It isn't until Sylar takes her power that she becomes totally numb to pain, with the few exceptions of when her power is dormant.


19th Dec 2009

Heroes (2006)

Powerless - S2-E11

Corrected entry: Even though Peter Petrelli doesn't fully trust Adam, he listens to every word he is saying. Even such a seriously illogical task as taking a long time opening the large, heavy vault door to get to the virus (which Adam wanted to release) instead of just walking through the vault door and destroying the virus inside quickly, without anyone near to harm.

Correction: This is a character decision. Peter does not know what is waiting for him on the other side of the vault door. He knows there are people who are against what him and Adam are doing. If he had entered without Adam, he may have run into the Haitian, who could take his powers away, leaving him trapped inside the vault.


15th Oct 2009

Heroes (2006)

Hysterical Blindness - S4-E5

Corrected entry: Peter "catches" Emma's ability and loses his speed ability when he touches her, to keep her from being hit by the bus. Yet in one of the previous episodes, he shook hands with Samuel without losing his ability and gaining Samuel's.


Correction: Peter did not know that Emma had an ability, therefore did not harness his own ability. When he shook hands with Samuel, he was aware there were specials around so made a conscious error to "turn off" his ability. Notice at the end of the series, when he was also consciously aware, he did end up taking Samuel's ability.


23rd Sep 2010

Heroes (2006)

Season 3 generally

Corrected entry: When Hiro and Ando go to Daphne's apartment in France, they take her medal for 1st Place 100 yard dash in the 12th grade. When the eclipse comes, however, she said she had cerebral palsy up until a year ago when she gained her power at the first eclipse. Either this is an error or Daphne is still a teenager.


Correction: The medal does not belong to Daphne, it was established that it belonged to Daphne's mother and Daphne kept it as a keepsake.


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