
2nd Aug 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

Fly - S3-E10

Character mistake: After Walt tries to slap the fly on the paper, he lifts his hand and the math is wrong. He has 2,103 + 9,745 = 11,928 and 6,012 + 7,287 = 13,301. But the actual sums are 11,848 and 13,299.


19th Jul 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

...and the Bag's in the River - S1-E3

Character mistake: When Walt and Gretchen are talking about the elements in the body, they list hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus. The percentage is short and she says "supposedly that's everything." But they don't count elements like sulfur (which has a greater abundance than sodium), potassium, chlorine, and magnesium. Even as college students, they would know those elements are in the body.


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