A Nice Place to Visit - S1-E28
Question: Rocky and Pip are leaving the flat. Rocky has already told the "girls" to wait in the other room. Right before they leave, Rocky goes back to the room the girls are in, pushes the door open, says he'll be back in a few minutes, and then gets a strange, quizzical look on his face, as if he's confused about something. A moment later, when he and Pip leave, as he reaches the door, he still has the same quizzical look on his face. Any idea why he gives this look? I thought it might be an editing error.
Answer: Pip had basically told Rocky that they were the only two real people in the place, and the girls were like props in a movie (as Rocky put it). I took his look of confusion as "What does Pip mean? These girls aren't real?" And as he was leaving, he couldn't shake the thought and was confused again. But there's also a part of me that thinks since the girls weren't involved in Rocky's story at the time, they were just sitting there doing nothing, just waiting, and Rocky found their lack of movement weird. And when leaving, he thinks "Did I see what I think I saw?" But that is just my thought, knowing what the twist is.