Batman: You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts.
26th Aug 2023
The Flash (2023)
26th Aug 2023
The Flash (2023)
Wonder Woman: Nice suit. Looking good, Flash.
Flash: Oh, uh thank you.
Wonder Woman: [To Batman] And you are welcome.
Batman: My ego's far too big to say "thank you" to someone else. I developed this all powerful persona to compensate for my childhood trauma.
Al Falcone: I too have childhood trauma.
Wonder Woman: The Lasso of Truth. Never gets old.
Batman: [Struggling to get the Lasso off] I'd do a lot better just giving all my money away. If I really wanted to end crime, I should end poverty.
Flash: [Helping with the Lasso] I know sex exists. But, I've just never experienced it.
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