
6th Oct 2016

Storks (2016)

Question: Despite both his parents having blue eyes, how come Nate has brown eyes? Is there a scientific/logical explanation for this?


Answer: That's one possibility. Or, the boy could have been adopted by the parents. That would fit with much of the theme of the film and one of the actors is a father through adoption. As adoptive parents with blue/green eyes and a child with brown eyes, we chose to believe it was a subtle nod to that situation. Also, the parents seem pretty convinced a baby brother isn't coming. Perhaps there were fertility issues that contribute to that confidence and led to creating a family through adoption. I think that's a better story than a remote scientific possibility. :).

Chosen answer: Yes there is a biological explanation for two blue-eyed parents having a brown-eyed child, and it does happen. It's a bit more complicated than high school genetics' dominant/recessive gene explanation. Eye color is determined by 2 genes, HERC2 and OCA2. Both genes are required for pigment to form (i.e. brown eyes), HERC2 being the key. People with blue-eyes can be carriers of one or the other, thus the offspring of 2 blue-eyed parents can end up receiving both required genes for brown eyes.


3rd Oct 2016

Storks (2016)

Question: Hunter, as a stork, and Toady, as a pigeon, are both birds of flight. So why don't they use their wings to fly? Why would they need to use a helicopter (Hunter) and flying machine (Toady)?


Chosen answer: For the same reason people take cars even though they can walk. It's faster and doesn't require using up your energy.


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