Greg Dwyer

19th Feb 2018

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: Who was the twelfth member that they added?

Answer: It was Tess.

Greg Dwyer

13th May 2016

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: Why would it matter if Night Fox didn't think they were making any attempts to steal the egg from the museum?

Answer: If the Night Fox didn't think they were trying to steal it, he would be questioning why. They had to make the more public attempt because otherwise he would start digging into their recent activities to find out if they already had.

Greg Dwyer

28th Oct 2014

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: If Isabel is such a good detective, why did she not question more why Rusty stole the paintings from the random Frenchman? She should have been able to put two and two together and realized that the random Frenchman is The Night Fox.

Answer: Why should Isabel think he is the Night Fox? She knows Rusty and his friends are thieves so she would suspect that they stole them for that reason.

Greg Dwyer

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