
Factual error: When Katniss approaches the gate to President Snow's mansion, just after the massacre of civilians in the large plaza, she sees her sister attending to wounded and runs toward her. There is a fiery explosion and Katniss is thrown onto her back and we see that radiant heat from the blast has caused the front of her coat to burst into flames. Flash burns are a common injury following an explosion, but Katniss has not a mark on her face, and not a trace of redness then, or shortly afterward when she is treated in a dispensary.


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Suggested correction: As is made clear in the book, the fire never touches Katniss' face.

First off, whatever is in the book is not enough to correct a mistake for a movie. Secondly, flash burns do not require fire to contact the skin, they are caused by the thermal radiation from the explosion.


Also book/film discrepancies are invalid by sites rules.


25th Nov 2015

Zombieland (2009)

Factual error: During action sequences in the amusement park the girls attempt to escape in their Hummer, and a zombie head-butts the passenger window, causing it to shatter. As has been demonstrated on numerous occasions, including a Mythbusters program, tempered automotive glass will not break when struck by a blunt object and that would include a zombie's head. Only a blow from a sharply pointed object will break tempered glass.


21st Nov 2015

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Continuity mistake: When Jake rides back to the house where his wife was abducted, he pauses and looks at the ruins. The hole in the roof which was blasted by the aliens is wide open to the sky with no ridge beam. A few minutes later, during the flash back scene, he watches the aliens pull his wife through the wide open roof hole. He then steps below the opening to gaze up and there is now a large beam across the roof opening.


Factual error: Near the end of the movie, the protagonists speed through a check point at perhaps 50 mph. The soldiers begin a pursuit and in moments are right behind the black SUV, which has not slowed down. Although a military Humvee can travel at 70mph, it accelerates from 0-30 in slightly over 9 seconds, and the soldiers could not have possibly caught up so quickly.


20th Nov 2015

In Cold Blood (1967)

Continuity mistake: When Robert Blake and his accomplice take the father and son to the basement, Blake pulls the string on a hanging lamp and the room becomes fairly bright. A moment later, Blake's accomplice pushes the father into the same room, which is now significantly less well lit, even though the same hanging light is still on.


15th Nov 2015

Time After Time (1979)

Audio problem: When Wells is en route to the Hyatt, exhaust sound from the taxi as it descends the hills of San Francisco seems to have been stolen from the Mustang in "Bullet." When the taxi pulls up in front of the hotel, it sounds again like the ordinary taxi that pulled away with Wells earlier.


Factual error: Near the finale, Kang sends a command to all US based missiles to self-destruct in their silos, thereby detonating their warheads. Ignoring for the moment why "self-destruct in silo" would ever be a desirable scenario programmed into ICBM protocols, detonation of a nuclear warhead requires an extremely precise sequence of events, none of which would include a nearby, conventional explosion. (01:38:20)


11th Nov 2015

Leprechaun (1993)

Revealing mistake: When Tori and others are fighting the leprechaun in the kitchen the wall phone rings and she picks up the hand set. It's the leprechaun on the line and in fear and anger, she slams the hand set back in place and tears the entire phone off the wall. As the phone rips away, it's obvious there is no phone line connector on the wall, only a nail the phone was hanging on.


29th Oct 2015

Pacific Rim (2013)

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, Mako swims to the unconscious Raleigh's survival, blows the top shield of his survival pod, removes his helmet and checks for a carotid pulse...while wearing gloves. No wonder she thought he was dead.


Plot hole: When Jack and John are on their knees in the hotel, with their hands zip-tied behind, Jack manages to use a hidden knife to cut his bindings and starts kicking bad guy butt. Jack immediately joins the fray but a careful review shows that at no point did John use his knife to free Jack.


19th Oct 2015

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Other mistake: Immediately before the helicopter attack on Tony's house, Maya (the "botanist") looks at the TV set, which shows a news chopper shot of the home, and says "Should we be worried about this?" It's only a moment later, when everyone looks at the screen, that a missile track appears on the screen.


30th Sep 2015

The Mechanic (2011)

Factual error: In modern automobiles, like the late model BMW Bishop enters with a "slim-Jim" before the final chase, entry without use of the appropriate key or fob will result in the alarm going off and all the car's systems becoming disabled within 30 seconds. A tow to the dealer is then required. If Bishop had appropriate equipment to start the car, he would not need a "slim Jim" in the first place.


Other mistake: About 1 1/2 hours into the movie, Ensign Bordelles, in the courtyard of the American facility in Changsha, prepares his shore party to march back to San Pablo with the Chinese military escort on either side. The Ensign lines up his men and orders, "Detail, forward March." The Chinese soldiers, unlikely to understand a word of English, also move off in lock step with the Americans.


Continuity mistake: In the final fight scene atop the train, Lincoln's African American colleague Will is attacked by the head vampire and is knocked backward over the side of the boxcar. He is seen with his feet nearly over the edge and Abe is seen 7-10' away, lying on the forward end of the car, facing him. In the next shot, Will continues his backward fall and Abe's arm appears over the edge of the roof, grabbing Will's leg. There's no way Abe could have risen from his position atop the car and covered the considerable distance in time to reach down and save Will.


23rd Jan 2015

300 (2006)

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, just before the final battle scene, Leonidas drops his weapons and shield to the ground. He was holding the shield in the usual manner, and pushes it away to his left. When it hits the ground however, it is suddenly reversed and falls nearby with the front of the shield upward.


22nd Jan 2015

Drive Angry (2011)

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie, when Amber's Charger experiences engine trouble and begins to belch smoke from under the hood, there is a quick shot of her speedometer needle dropping to zero. In the next shot, the car is rolling along the side of the highway at 5-10mph, before coming to a stop. The speedo went to zero a bit early.


21st Jan 2015

Schindler's List (1993)

Factual error: When Amon Goeth attempts to execute the Jewish factory worker for failing to produce enough hinges, Goeth cycles the actions of both inoperative weapons several times. At no time is an unfired round ejected from either handgun, which should have occurred, unless the unfired rounds were both jammed in the chamber (and the firing mechanisms had failed).


Continuity mistake: When Snow White's army is attacking the castle, fireballs are coming towards them and crashing onto the beach. At one point, a fireball lands at an angle that could only occur if it had been launched from behind the advancing army.


30th Dec 2014

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Other mistake: When the gang rides into Rock Ridge, a cigar smoking man, standing in front of a door, takes a bullet through his hat, front to rear. There is no mark on the door behind him.


28th Aug 2014

Halloween: H20 (1998)

Factual error: Near the end of the movie, Jamie Lee is speeding down a road in the coroner's van she has stolen and Michael is attacking her from the back of the van. She slams on the brakes, and he flies into the front windshield, which shatters into many pieces. Windshields are made of laminated glass, which contains a sheet of plastic, sandwiched between to sheets of glass. It does not shatter when struck.


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