Quantom X

24th Sep 2014

White House Down (2013)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Tatum turns a large 50 caliber weapon on the villain of the movie and fires it rapid fire repeatedly at him, killing him. A shot later from a distance, you see the villain just crumple over and fall down dead, barely any damage visible to him. Had this been real life, a high caliber weapon like that fired at such close range for such a long time would have torn his body to shreds, not left it intact for him to fall over. But this movie was rated PG-13, and showing the gore that would really have resulted in would have made it R.

Quantom X

Correction: The weapon was not a .50 caliber Browning Machine Gun as used against the approaching Delta Force Blackhawks. It was a Dillon Aero Mini-Gun chambered in 5.56mm, also known as .223 caliber - a significantly smaller and less powerful round. This is the same as used by the M-4, AR-15, M-16 and other variants. While the rate of fire alone would be capable of doing the described action, in the movie scene he did miss a lot; tearing up the wall above and around him as well.

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