Quantom X

Corrected entry: In the wide shot of the supplies being blown up, the mines are placed around the pile. The first few mines go off in the right places, but the explosion comes from underneath the pile.

Correction: This is on purpose. Yes, there were mines around the pile, designed to trigger the explosions and kill anyone around it. But they also put mines under the pile to be triggered by the explosions of the others. Several tactical reasons for this, but most notably to destroy the supplies rather than it fall into enemy hands and be used against the Careers. This was a trap and a safekeeping. Had the trap gone off and the supplies not been destroyed, any tributes not killed by the trap could still get to the supplies and use them against the Careers.

Quantom X

21st Jan 2015

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Katniss cuts the branch with the Tracker Jackers, the branch falls down with the swarm attacking those on the ground. Katniss climbs down from the tree, and the Trackers are all instantly gone.

Joseph Long

Correction: Because the people in the ground getting stung took off running for their lives and in pain. The tracker jackers chased them and left the hive behind.

Quantom X

Correction: Everything in the game arena is artificial and is created, controlled, and continually changed as needed by the game technicians. Just like the killer mutts seen at the end, the tracker jackers were created artificially by computers and were added and removed instantly. The gamers put the hive in the tree after Katniss was trapped there so it could be used as a weapon (Rue pointed it out to her). Earlier, when Katniss escaped the fire, that was also an environmental condition created by the gamers, and once it served its purpose (to steer her back to the other tributes), it was extinguished and the damage repaired. The mocking jays that Katniss and Rue heard in the trees were also artificial.


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