Quantom X

14th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

Question: At the prison, when Witherspoon tells Declan "that's our deal", the camera is pointing towards Witherspoon and there seems to be something, or an image, behind him (to the left). What is it? It looks like a cardboard cut out of a person (to me I see a face and bare chest), only it's all grey and almost looks like Lobo from DC Comics. But I don't see anything in the wide shots that it could be. (00:25:55)


Answer: If you look at time 24:21, you can see two murals painted on the walls. Presumably by the prisoners. The one with his arms up striking a muscular pose is what you're seeing. The camera focused on Witherspoon in the shot you're talking about makes that image blurry in the background and gives it the effect of having dreadlocks. But it's just the muscle guy painting.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Is it possible that Jackal staged his ambush at the house as a way to test Valentina's abilities? It looks like he wanted to confront her again. (01:25:00)

Answer: Maybe to a small degree. However his main motivation for that was the fact he learned that it was Isabella's house and he could get at Declan that way. Be it he was actually after Isabella, which is likely, or was just wanting to wipe out some of the FBI that was after him or both. The Russian mole had provided him with the FBI access code which allowed the Jackal to hear the voice reports by Witherspoon telling where Isabella lived. So most likely he was going there to take out Isabella to get at Declan. But Koslova and the FBI had already moved her and were stationed there finishing things up when The Jackal got there. So he was eliminating some of his obstacles at his goal since only 3 were there and he could easily take them out. Using Koslova to sending a taunting message to Declan was an added bonus.

Quantom X

Answer: Yes. It is entirely possible. It was just a bonus that he got to take out three innocent victims in the process.

Alan Keddie

11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: The Jackal knows detailed information about the FBI agents that are after him and the members of the MVB from the Russian mole in the ranks that was revealed. This woman's name is Valentina, like Valentine. The fact he drew a heart on her face was a sadistic joke about her name, as well as sending a message to Declan.

Quantom X

Answer: He was "gift wrapping" his message to the hero.

Answer: It seems to be his way of noting her gender and also belittling her.


2nd Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

Question: I'm asking this as a question, cause I'm unable to determine if this is actually a mistake with the weird writing... or if I'm just missing something. Right after The Jackal kills Lemont, it cuts to the FBI in a room trying to piece things together. Witherspoon walks in and says "Here we go, sir. Eleven days ago, Charles C. Murdock bought himself a brand new Dodge mini van. Now, that was a big surprise to Mr. Murdock, whose passport and wallet were stolen 16 days ago at the Helsinki Airport." He says this to Preston and the rest as if this is brand new news, a new lead they have to go on and a break they've needed. But then Preston just looks at him contemplating this and immediately responds. "Anything from the border? We sent a description of the van to every crossing from here to Manitoba." Him saying this as if they had this information long ago and already had people searching for it. To me this doesn't make any sense with how either of those characters said their lines. Witherspoon has been with Preston and the others almost this entire time in on the investigation and would have known if they already knew about the van. And if the van was actually a new lead Witherspoon just found and was telling them. Then what Preston said makes no sense. So where is the error in this or am I just missing something? (01:01:35)

Quantom X

Answer: It seemed to me that they had a description of the van, but had not yet identified the owner. Witherspoon is saying the van was purchased with a stolen identity and therefore they still don't know who really bought the van.


But how did they even have a description of the van then? Up to that point it seemed they didn't know anything about a van. This is why i'm confused.

Quantom X

The film makers may have cut out some scenes that would explain it in better detail, but as it is, there's no mention when the FBI knew about the van. However, they did know the Jackal was using James' passport and flew into Montreal so they have been able to follow him, although they're always a step behind. I don't think it's a plot hole or bad writing though, but it certainly up for debate.


In the movie the Jackal (Willis) often changed the colour of the van, white, blue, red etc. So for a proper BOLO of a van especially in 1997 there are many (including currently) many colours of a minivan (family van) so the color it was sold as was changed and it showed him practising washing away one color over another and the last being red.

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