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12th Sep 2019

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Corrected entry: Jason looks different here. This takes place after Jason Goes To Hell where he had bloodied hot pink skin, silver welded on hockey mask, dark blue boiler suit. Yet here he's wearing tattered clothes with black gloves, the original looking hockey mask, and is black skinned just like he was in Friday Part 6.


Correction: I think this mistake is dubious at best. The canon of the "Friday the 13th" series is already pretty sloppy with the films contradicting one-another, and this film indeed also contain ideas and notions that contradict both franchises. (Not the least of which being that Jason was literally dragged all the way to hell at the end of "Jason Goes to Hell", but is merely "asleep" just beneath the ground at the beginning of this film.) I don't think it's a stretch to say this film is more of an "alternate universe/what if?" situation, and not really a direct sequel to "Jason Goes to Hell" and "Freddy's Dead," and thus minor cosmetic differences shouldn't really be considered mistakes.


Ah yes, couldn't really put it better myself.

Quantom X

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