Factual error: After Matt beats down King Pin, he throws a rose off the roof and says. "This is for you, dad." The rose then spins and falls in various positions, hitting petals first on the ground. This would not be how it fell. The petals are light, and the stem heavier. Plus, the petals would have more air resistance. The rose would have fallen stem first the full way down and landed on that.
Quantom X
20th Mar 2013
Daredevil (2003)
20th Mar 2013
Daredevil (2003)
Factual error: Even with a highly sensitive sense of smell, Matt could not possibly have smelled Electra walking down the street towards the diner that he and his friend were sitting in. There was no evidence of wind, as judging by her hair, and she had not even opened the door yet. Without wind, the air particles, which would carry her sent would follow behind her in a wake. They could not have gotten to the door ahead of her without wind, much less get though a closed door for Matt to smell her.
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