Question: Cinema Sins pointed out in the progress bar of the computer display that the word Percent is spelled with a hyphen. Like Per-Cent. I am aware that the word can be correctly spelled as percent and per cent. But doing some research the only mention I can find of it spelled with a hyphen as per-cent is just mentioned as an old way of spelling it. How old is that? And is it still within the time frame of this late 80's period movie to be spelling it as Per-cent on a computer display?
Quantom X
6th Jun 2019
Bumblebee (2018)
6th Jun 2019
Bumblebee (2018)
Continuity mistake: When Charlie is looking through her box of tapes, it shows the columns and there is nothing by Rick Astley. But from a different angle she picks a tape from the bottom of the middle column which we just saw, and it plays a Rick Astley song.
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