Quantom X

13th Jul 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Correction: Fury is like THE secret agent. As Tony said, his secrets have secrets. It's not too hard to believe that he would lie about this.

Quantom X

Correction: Fury's statements aren't entirely incorrect. He specifies that SHIELD is building weapons due to what occurred the year before (Thor's battle with the Destroyer), and that "we" have learned we are not alone in the universe. The Skrull/Kree incident would have been kept pretty secret, but the incident with Thor would be much more well known, especially to the people in the room. He never actually says that Thor was the first alien that had been encountered.

The statement though was about "how we are hopelessly, hilariously outgunned", too. With the Tesseract in their possession and proof of entire alien races at work, research on weaponizing the Tesseract should have been already years and years in the making - while in Avengers it was also said that it's starting the work on weaponizing the Tesseract that drew Loki to it. Of course that statement could have been wrong, but surely nothing before this movie justifies over 10 years of time just sitting on the notion that there are aliens that can reach Earth and use high tech energy weapons and spaceships (a bunch of which is casually dropped on Earth, too).


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