Corrected entry: Near the beginning, when Salt goes to her apartment, the agents chasing her throw canisters of gas and explosives into her apartment before going in themselves. But wouldn't the explosives blow the windows out, not in? Shards of glass are seen coming in through the windows and covering items on the inside - lots of them.
4th Nov 2013
Salt (2010)
13th Jan 2014
Salt (2010)
Corrected entry: In the beginning, Salt has her long plait positioned over her shoulder, but when she attempts to leave the building, the plait is in the middle, running down her back.
Correction: It's not a big deal with plaited hair. She could have just swung the plait over her shoulder. It is hard to see if it's plaited over her shoulder or straight in the beginning so she could've just liked to put it over one shoulder and when she started running where it was didn't matter anymore.
8th Nov 2013
Salt (2010)
Corrected entry: When Salt goes back to her apartment, she picks up, from a tank, a small black spider and puts it in a sealed jar. Problem is: when she picked up the spider, she also picked up some shredded paper, but the spider in the jar is free of paper. She didn't have enough time to get rid of the paper, but it's gone.
Correction: Actually she picks up one piece and it is shown to be in the jar later on too.
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Correction: This is a common error. Glass goes towards the point of impact when a window is smashed. I'm unsure exactly why this happens but I do know that forensic teams use this to identify people breaking and entering or causing criminal damage because most of the glass ends up on the perpetrator at the point of impact. I just watched a documentary on it.