
Corrected entry: When the Red Queen and "Um" are sitting in the throne room, it appears the Queen's blue make-up and eyebrows are faded. I'm guessing the blue and the eyebrows are meant to be part of the character's actual face and not fade.


Correction: That guess would miss the mark then. It's eye shadow and eyebrow pencil even within the context of the film. Her whole face is made up.


Corrected entry: When Alice has fallen through the rabbit hole she bursts through the ground and lands on the ceiling. Then she drops back to the ground and the hole she came through is completely gone.


Correction: That's Underland. Animals talk, fly, dematerialize. Food and drink makes you grow and shrink. I should think a self repairing hole in the floor in a room that exists as a barrier between dimensions wouldn't seem so out of the ordinary. It's not a movie mistake.


Corrected entry: In the scene where we first see Stayne he is wearing a black heart eye patch, but for the rest of the movie it is red.

Correction: Either a trick of the lighting, as it was a very dark red, or he simply has more than one eyepatch. Either way, it's not a mistake unless the patch actually changes between cuts in the same scene.


Corrected entry: When the Queen of Hearts is first introduced she is seen walking across her chambers. As she walks her heels are heard clicking on the hard floor, but she then walks onto the red carpet and her heels are still clicking.

Correction: I have a pair of men's shoes that make a clicking sound even on thin carpeting. I actually get a lot of grief from my friends over it...


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