
Corrected entry: Sarah and John Connor are switching the only gas mask while the police is trying to storm the research institute. Gas is everywhere, so while switching the mask it would fill up with gas before they put it back on their faces, making the entire exercise pointless.

Correction: Air inside the mask can get out, but air outside the mask cannot get in. Their lung capacity is greater than the volume of air the mask can hold. So all they need to do is use the deep breath they were holding while they weren't wearing the mask and exhale it once the mask is on. That will push all of the "bad air" out of the mask.


Corrected entry: How come in one of the final scenes the T-1000 at first needs Sarah to call for Johnny when just a few minutes later it could easily transform into Sarah's shape and call for Johnny himself? It's already sampled her from when he scratched her in the lift earlier. This can not be corrected saying T-1000 needs to consciously sample a subject because we saw in the hospital that the guard just stepped on it and the T-100 transformed.


Correction: That's why the T-1000 chose to hide on the floor: to obtain a sample of the guard. So, for this enty, no it couldn't have called for John itself yet, as the scratch didn't take a sample. If nothing else there's an argument to be made that its malfunctions have impaired its abilities too.


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