Question: Got a few questions. First Question. When the emperor is killed in ROTJ, doesn't that mark the end of the Galactic Empire? If so, wouldn't the establishment of the New Republic mean that The First Order is at this point just an extremist group trying to throw a coup? Second Question: Whether or not the first question is a yes or a no, wouldn't the New Republic have knowledge of Starkiller Base being constructed? Third Question: Is there any influence as to why Kylo Ren basically gets temper tantrums? An example being when Rey escaped or when he found out the droid escaped Jakku Last Question: Kylo Ren stopped a strong laser bolt and has to ability to freeze people. How was he so easily beaten by Rey with no jedi training?
16th Feb 2017
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
12th Apr 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: Why does Kylo Ren keep hitting the spot where Chewie shot him? Does he want it to hurt more or was it just so we could see the blood?
Answer: Pain and anger fuels the Dark Side. The more pain he's in, the angrier he becomes, the more powerful he becomes. This is also why when Darth Vader was wounded on Mustafar; Sidious had him operated on awake; without anesthetics.
27th Feb 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: Why does Kylo Ren kidnap Rey? Was it because of how good she was with a lightsaber, or did he do it so Han Solo, Poe and Finn would come looking for her? It just seemed to me that the two of them were having a lightsaber battle, and then he decided to knock her out and take her hostage. Have only seen this movie recently so might have missed something.
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Answer: Yes to the first. Not necessarily to the second, as they undoubtedly worked very hard to keep it secret. For the third question, the dark side of the force feeds on and enhances anger, rage, hatred. Ren is full of these emotions. As for the last question, remember that Ren took a shot to the guts from Chewbacca's bowcaster, a weapon that blows everyone it hits back several meters, killing them instantly. Ren took a knee for a moment then got right back up. He is using the bulk of his concentration on using his Force powers to survive and heal that wound and manage the pain. That's why he keeps beating his abdomen with his fist during his fight with Rey. Rey is also abnormally strong with the Force. These two factors combined to make their first fight evenly matched.
Phixius ★