
Question: There is a piece of music that can be heard for a split second when the sheriff is walking into the church to investigate the murders, its a man singing, it sounds like he's saying "Donde esta" or something like that, you can hear the exact same thing in Reservoir Dogs when Mr. Blond is tuning through the radio stations looking for K. Billy's super sounds of the 70s right before he tortures the cop, does anybody know what song this is and why Tarantino only plays it for a split second in both of his films?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: The song was That Certain Female by Charlie Feathers.


Question: What does Sofie Fatale say in Japanese on her cellphone? Just before Sofie Fatale and the rest of the crew are about to enter the Japanese nightclub, there's a flashback in which she's speaking Japanese into her cellphone during the wedding rehearsal fight. I know it's probably not important for the story, but was always curious: what is she saying? She starts with Mushi mushi, which is all that I recognise.

Answer: It translates to "Hello. I'm in the middle of a meeting. Can you call me back later? You're with your wife? I got it."


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