Continuity mistake: When Mariner is knocked into the mud pit while in the cage we see that it does indeed sink. However as the woman and the girl are crossing the bridge to get to the windmill, the camera cuts to Mariner in the cage. The cage has sunk so that he only has room for his head and shoulders. Then as the woman and girl run past him there is another shot in which the cage is now further out of the mud and Mariner has room for the majority of his upper body.
16th Jul 2006
Waterworld (1995)
29th Jun 2006
S.W.A.T. (2003)
Continuity mistake: At the end of the plane proficience test, we see Hondo leaning over the counter when he says "Wow, is that a new course record?" when the camera angle changes he is now standing up straight.
28th Jun 2006
Commando (1985)

Continuity mistake: In the scene in which Matrix rams Sully off the road we see his car go up the embankment and land on its side. It lands about three feet from the embankment. Then when we see Matrix go to flip the car back onto its wheels, it is now about seven or eight feet from the embankment. (00:38:30 - 00:40:00)
27th Jun 2006
Commando (1985)

Continuity mistake: As we see Matrix enter his gun shed, he picks up a pistol and tucks it into his pants. He then runs back to the house and kills the guy in the chair. As he leaves the house, the gun is now tucked into his belt. (00:12:25 - 00:13:25)
27th Jun 2006
Commando (1985)

Continuity mistake: As Matrix and his daughter are eating their sandwiches at the start of the film we see Matrix holding his sandwich looking out the window when he hears the chopper. Then, as the camera angle changes, the sandwich is now back on the plate. (00:07:50)
27th Jun 2006
Commando (1985)

Continuity mistake: As the two garbage men are shooting the guy at the start of the movie, we see from the side shot that they are standing parallel to each other a few feet apart and they stay still as they shoot him. Then when the camera changes angles to the front shot after the dead guy falls, we see the bad guy on the right has moved a few feet forward. (00:01:50)
27th Jun 2006
Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Continuity mistake: As the camera pans over the Presidents home we see the president arriving in an escorted car. From the view above we can see a man mowing the lawn, moving from right to left across the camera. Yet, when the shot changes to a low level shot of the car pulling up the drive the man mowing the grass is nowhere in sight.
27th Jun 2006
Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Continuity mistake: As the camera pans in from the sea to the Presidents house in Mooseport, we see a boat moored out to sea facing away from the house. Then moments later as we see the President exiting his car, the same boat is now facing to the side signifying a change of the tide.
27th Jun 2006
Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Continuity mistake: When Bob and Handy are talking beside the Moose at the start of the film, they are talking about Handy's nose. Right after Handy says that when Bruce (The Moose) is there, his nose looks normal. As he says this, Bob looks down. Then as the camera changes angle to look at Bob for the reply, he is once again looking directly at Handy.
26th Jun 2006
Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Continuity mistake: As Handy leaves the President's house at the start of the film we see Plunger his dog having sex with the Presidents dog. As he calls the dog over we see him pick the dog up by his front legs to talk to him. The buckle on the dogs collar changes position from the front to the side when the camera angle switches from facing the dogs face, to the shot from behind it.
26th Jun 2006
Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Continuity mistake: As we see Handy fixing the toilet in the President's house, he is holding a wrench in his right hand. Then after he bumps his head, he tries to get up and then grabs the wrench with his left hand. However, once the camera angle changes to show him getting up the wrench is back in his right hand.
26th Jun 2006
Eurotrip (2004)
25th Jun 2006
Torque (2004)
Revealing mistake: During the Ford and Trey chase sequence involving the train, we see Ford jump the ramp and land on the train. Then when we see Trey riding toward the ramp but he veers off at the last second before the camera angle changes so that they can then complete the scene using CGI.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Revealing mistake: After Alex has crushed Zhang's hand in the cogs on top of the crane we see that while covered in blood there is no other damage to Zhang's hand. He even manages to move it and his fingers when in fact all the bones in his hand should have been crushed and the muscles and skin torn leaving his hand in tatters and unusable.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Continuity mistake: During the docks sequence, we see Chad and Alex approach a guard sitting at a table along with many other guards. Alex selects a guard least likely to attract the attention of the others and sets down his bag. He attacks and takes out the guard in an action that brings him several steps forward and yet when he picks up his bag it is at his side.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Continuity mistake: During the scene in which Alex attacks the two henchmen looking for him on the island, we see him attack the first guy and take him out. As he goes for the second bad guy we see that the bad guy has a pistol in a holster strapped to his waist. As Alex flips this guy over the pistol and holster disappear (most noticeable when the bad guy hits the ground). It is then back in place when Alex removed the gun to shoot a third bad guy coming toward him.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Other mistake: During the scene in which Chad and Alex are at the harbour to blow up the drugs shipment we see Alex being shot at my numerous bad guys. He has one pistol in his hand, and pulls another from his waist band. Each pistol carries around a maximum of 15 shots per clip, however he manages to fire 43 shots without reloading.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Continuity mistake: During the fight sequence on the boat between Alex and the bad guy with the spurs on his shoes, Alex grabs him by the shirt with his right hand. Then when the shot changes to where he is punching him, he is now holding his shirt with his left hand and punching with his right.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Continuity mistake: As Chang's men storm the island we see that a few of his men are out looking for Chad and Alex. When Alex comes upon the two men looking for him we see them both facing away from Alex and turn towards him as he runs out. As he takes out the first bad guy, we then see the second one repeat the same scene of turning towards him again.
24th Jun 2006
Double Impact (1991)
Continuity mistake: On the boat where Alex has an encounter with Griffith's female bodyguard, we see her slice his waist with her knife cutting through the t-shirt he is wearing. Later during the scene, in which Alex is climbing the crane to follow Zhang, the tear in his t-shirt has disapeared.
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