
Corrected entry: When Optimus tells everyone about the Ark, at one point, we get a close up of Ironhide. This shows his right eye is badly damaged, in such a way that it's shut. But when we get to the Mexican standoff, both of his eyes are wide open. And when he says "class dismissed", it's shut again. (00:28:10 - 01:09:05)


Correction: Ironhide's right eye is smaller than his left eye. This has been consistent in all 3 Transformers movies. It's more noticeable on close-ups, but it's always been like that.


Corrected entry: In the final scenes when Sentinel is fighting with some of the Autobots, you can see his sword and his shield knocked out of his hands, so he resorts to his gun, but when he's is shooting around, a solider with rocket launcher floors him. He then instantly crawls away on all fours and transforms, then when Optimus tackles him he has his sword and shield again almost instantly! How could Sentinel have grabbed his sword and shield in the same amount of time as him falling to the ground? And then have it already in hand in his final battle with Optimus.


Correction: Watch the scene more carefully. 1st, the sword & shield aren't knocked out of his hands. He puts them down and switches to his gun. Then, when Sentinel is about to transform & drive away, he grabs his sword with his right hand, and the shield with his left.


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