
13th Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: In the scene where the Joker's men all fire on the Mayor, why is the Joker shown with short brown hair? Has a reason ever actually been given or is it just assumed he wears a wig?

Answer: His hair is tucked under the uniform cap.


9th Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: When the Joker's body is brought to Gambol, Joker awakens and pushes away two approaching thugs. Are these the same two thugs being held at gunpoint on the ground by the Joker's henchmen? Also, what does the Joker do to Gambol? Gambol falls from Joker's grip as if he's dead, but the Joker's knife was held to Gambol's cheek, not his throat? I have no doubt that the PG-13 rating opens this to interpretation.

Answer: Gambol is clearly killed, likely having had his throat cut while the camera was on the others in the room. Had we seen the actual cut, the film would have been stuck with an 'R' rating. As for the two thugs, it's a bit vague - I thought it looked like the Joker stabbed them, meaning the two on the ground are two others, but everything happens a bit too fast to be sure.


3rd Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Answer: The entire Honor Guard was made of of Joker's men, all firing at the Mayor. But the mayor wasn't shot, Commissioner Gordon was.


1st Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: Near the end of the film, we are shown what is presumably a memorial service to a deceased Harvey Dent. Yet, I read on IMDB a few days back that Aaron Eckhart, the actor who plays Dent, has signed up for a sequel. My question is this: since Eckhart IS coming back, does that mean the memorial service, and the smashing of the Batsignal were mere speculation on Gordon's part, or is he brought back to life somehow, despite Nolan's insistence on a "realistic" take on Batman?

Answer: There's no way to know as the next film isn't written yet. While Dent's demise could have been faked, it's also possible he'll be back only in flashbacks, or that the rumour of him signing up for a sequel is wrong. The answer is not knowable at this time.


19th Jul 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: Why does the Joker give multiple reasons for his scars?

Answer: The Joker's aim is anarchy. As such, giving a different explanation each time he's asked is part of creating confusion, making it difficult for others to figure him out. He gets enjoyment out of mayhem and confusion.


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