Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2003

The X-Files Movie (1998)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, after Mulder rescues Scully from the spaceship, Mulder's artic cat had run out of gas, so how did Mulder and Scully get home from Antarctica, with no vehicle, and no one around to help them? (This is of particular interest because of an incident which occurs during an episode of the 8th season of the X-Files, entitled, "Alone." This episode aired a couple of years after the movie was released. In this episode, there is a character, Agent Harrison who appears in only 2 episodes of the show, the first of which is this episode. She is a fan of Mulder and Scully's and at the end of the episode she asks Mulder and Scully the very question that I ask above. Instead of answering this question which seemingly would not have an answer, Mulder and Scully argue about whether or not it was a spaceship and this is how the episode closes.)

Correction: Mulder is not stupid, there are several ways they could have made it out. Just because the gauge reads empty does not mean Mulder does not have more fuel in cans inside the Cat. He might have run out of fuel and was close enough to the coordinates that he figured he would refuel after finding Scully. He might also have a radio or satellite phone to call another Arctic research station for a pickup.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

The X-Files Movie (1998)

Corrected entry: During the film, the main characters figure out that the virus is transmitted via the bees, who get it from the corn. The problem is corn is wind pollinated, not insect pollinated. The reason they had a corn field is that they needed added suspense by having the main characters run through the field. (It would look silly running through a field of squash).

Correction: Both the corn and bees are genetically engineered. Normal pollination cycles don't apply.

Grumpy Scot

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