Trivia: This show has a similar premise to the Showtime series Weeds, in which a working class parent enters the drug trade in order to provide for their family. Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan was unfamiliar with Weeds when pitching his idea and said he felt the blood drain from his face when network executives told him about Weeds. Fortunately for Gilligan, they felt the two series were different enough, and Breaking Bad is widely considered to be a superior show.
18th Jul 2024
Breaking Bad (2008)
13th Jun 2024
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: There is a Spanish language remake of this series called "Metástasis" that takes place in Colombia. Interestingly, Colombia has a highly successful mixed private/public healthcare system that covers around 97% of its population, which runs contrary to Breaking Bad's premise that Walter White becomes a drug kingpin in order to pay for his cancer treatments and ensure his family's financial stability, due to the United States' for-profit healthcare system.
27th Feb 2024
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: Despite being main characters from the very beginning, Jesse Pinkman and Walt Jr. never share a scene together.
7th Dec 2023
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: Eladio Vuente has a similar name to Eladio Buente, a character from a season 4 episode of The X-Files called "El Mundo Gira." The latter character was portrayed by Raymond Cruz, who played Tuco Salamanca in this show. Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan was previously a writer on The X-Files.
17th Aug 2023
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: Skyler and Walt Jr. are the only main characters to not also appear in either Better Call Saul or El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.
23rd Mar 2022
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: While filming The Avengers in Albuquerque, Samuel L. Jackson wanted to appear as himself in the background of Los Pollos Hermanos in an episode of this series, but was not able to make the time to do so.
1st Dec 2020
Breaking Bad (2008)
20th Sep 2020
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: There is an "alternate ending" to this series. It features Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek reprising their roles as Hal and Lois from Malcolm in the Middle, with the entirety of Breaking Bad being a nightmare that Hal just woke up from.
31st Jul 2013
Breaking Bad (2008)
Trivia: There is a scene in this episode where Walter angrily tosses a box of pizza in the air in such a way that the pizza exits the box and lands on his roof. Before filming this scene, the crew had wondered how many takes would be required to achieve the desired result. Bryan Cranston nailed it on the first try.
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