
13th Aug 2024

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: After the Millennium Falcon is brought on board the Death Star, Darth Vader orders the two tech people to scan the ship. They go on board and then are killed by Han and Chewie. Then Han calls down to the two storm troopers guarding the ship, and they too are killed when they come on board. There are now four dead bodies on the ship, but are never seen again or spoken of by the characters.


Correction: I don't think the fact that their bodies are never seen or spoken of afterward constitutes a plot hole. Their dead or unconscious bodies no longer serve any function to the plot, so it isn't necessary to show them or talk about them. They could have been hidden inside the smuggling compartments to prevent being seen by other Imperial staff, and then once our heroes made it to Yavin IV, the dead bodies would be disposed of, or if they were still alive, would be taken captive.


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