Question: How are Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther talking to Proxima Midnight through the Wakandan cloaked shield? What's she looking at? Trees?
15th Oct 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
10th Jun 2019
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Question: Instead of telling Stark to turn the donut around why doesn't he use a sling ring?
Answer: The range of the sling rings hasn't been defined. They were in deep space at this point, so they may have been too far away for Strange to open up a portal on Earth for them to step through.
In Endgame, Strange opens at least one portal from across the galaxy. For example, we see the one opened from Titan that he, Spiderman, and the Gaurdians all come through. Unless his sling powers suddenly increased after the great purge, he should have been able to open a portal from deep space on the ship.
Answer: The Q Ship was travelling in some form of hyperspace. It would be reasonable to assume that the slingring could not work under those circumstances. When he does use it later, it is from the surface of the planet Titan.
And when they arrive on Titan his idea to protect the time stone changes. He instead looks at different time-lines.
Why would it be different in hyperspace? The ship has its own gravity.
By definition, hyperspace exists outside normal time and space. Depending on how the sling ring works, it may not be able access normal space.
10th Mar 2019
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: If Thor knew that Thanos would be waiting for the stones on Titan he should have gone there, instead of somehow knowing to head straight to Wakanda.
Correction: Thor didn't know Thanos went to Titan. He correctly predicted that he would head to Knowhere, after which he would likely go after the 2 stones on Earth.
Thor heard from Thanos that we will be go to Titan inside the ship or at least he should go to Knowwhere not to the earth.
Thor's new hammer gives him the ability to summon the Bifrost, which means he has to survey his intended destination before creating the portal to transport. He very well could have surveyed both Knowhere and Titan (assuming he even knows where Titan is) before settling on Wakanda, but that would have both wasted screen time and diminished the impact for the audience of him arriving in Wakanda to help the other heroes. The movie even shows Thanos arriving on Titan after Thor already arrived in Wakanda, so we can surmise that Thor didn't know where Thanos was located and settled on joining the battle on Earth with the hope that Thanos would eventually turn up there.
Correction: The movie never says that Thor knew that Thanos was on Titan. He knew from the first scene in the film that Thanos sent the Black Order to look for the two Stones that were on Earth (one of which ended up going to Titan with Doctor Strange). He simply used his new powers to summon the Bifrost to survey Earth and located his friends and the Mind Stone in Wakanda and teleported there.
5th Sep 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: Just after Cull Obsidian advances on Tony, Bruce, Doctor Strange and Wong to get the Time Stone, Tony activates his nanotech Iron Man suit, and the Iron Man suit forms around his body. Just before his helmet forms around his head, there is a wide shot where he takes off his glasses, but as his he is lowering them, the glasses appear to fade out of existence. He is never shown dropping the glasses or putting them down, they just appear to have been digitally removed from his hand. (00:21:00)
Correction: It is possible these glasses are made of nanotech as well and they dissolve into his suit.
8th Oct 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: Thanos' henchmen could not know that Vision was in Wakanda to get the stone from his forehead.
Correction: Seeing as how they were able to locate Vision and Wanda in Scotland earlier in the movie, the stones most likely give off some signature that certain individuals can track if they are skilled enough. Thanos, for example, knew at the beginning of the film that two of the stones were located on Earth.
In that case Thanos could know where was the stone of the soul but he didn't, why he didn't use that skill then?
Or they could have tracked the Quinjet they flew with the entire time.
17th May 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Question: Why couldn't Bruce become Hulk?
Answer: Although many fans speculated it was because the Hulk fears Thanos after Thanos easily defeated him at the beginning of the film, the Russo brothers have since come out and said that it's because the Hulk feels that Banner only wants the Hulk around for helping him in fights, so his refusal to transform is a protest of sorts.
Answer: Because he doesn't like being used as a tool and he also is summoned in two places he's already destroyed: New York and Africa. Those are two places he's shown regret for the damage he's caused, which caused him to leave in the first place.
Answer: Cause Hulk is afraid of Thanos.
This is directly contradicted by the directors of the film, who have stated it's because he doesn't like that Banner only wants to use him for his strength.
While I understand that this is what the directors said, what we have in the finished product would never lead one to this conclusion. We first see Hulk fight Thanos and get completely over-matched. From then on, we only get glimpses of Hulk inside Banner, refusing to come out, and seemingly scared to do so. If they wished to convey inner strife between Banner and Hulk or anything else, that did a very poor job doing so.
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Answer: It's not a cloaking shield. It's a defensive barrier. There would be no need to have a cloaking shield within the city because anybody that's inside the city would seemingly already know that Wakanda is hidden.
Phaneron ★
The cloak is to hide the city. If Cap flew in and only saw trees...what is the Black Order looking at and talking to?
The cloaking shield is what hides the city from overhead view, so aircraft that fly over can't see that there's an advanced city hiding within what is believed to be a third-world country. The barrier around the palace is to prevent enemies from attacking. That's why the "space dogs" are being torn apart when they try to go through the shield. When it becomes apparent that they can get through the shield when they attempt to do so in large numbers, Black Panther orders a section of the shield to be opened in order to bottleneck the forces in so that they can't surround the palace and penetrate the shield from a side that's not as well guarded.
Phaneron ★
This wasn't an overhead view. They were flying low and in a straight line into trees that on the other side hid buildings that were the same height. They weren't looking down.
Irrelevant. The simple fact of the matter is the Wakandans build that shield, and they can do anything they want with it. Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities.
That's an illogical answer: they can do what they want. Perhaps? Where is that in the movie? These are guesses not answers.
Are you saying they don't have full control over their own shield that they designed and can manipulate very specifically, as seen in the movie?
"Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities." - where is that in the movie? This website would not exist if every response was "they can do whatever they want".
It is when we are talking about future technology in advanced civilizations. This entry is also a question, not a mistake. There is a simple explanation for it, so that is the answer.
This is a theory not an explanation. An explanation would be backed up by facts from the movie.
There isn't an in-film "explanation", but that's a distinction without a difference. If in a movie we see someone in one place and then several scenes later we're shown them somewhere else, there isn't an "explanation" for how they've got there, but there might be plenty of perfectly reasonable theories about how - drove themselves, got a ride, took the bus, etc. This is a wholly fictional technology and the "facts from the movie" are that people can talk through it, just like they can choose to open specific narrow sections. So we take at face value that it's possible, because there's no in-film reason to assume it isn't possible.