Corrected entry: Denis Lawson's name is misspelled "Dennis" in the ending credits. The filmmakers later made the same mistake in "The Empire Strikes Back."
24th Apr 2004
Star Wars (1977)
7th Jul 2004
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When Han fires his blaster at the hatch of the trash compactor in an attempt to open it, the blast creates burn marks on the left side of the hatch. If you watch it in slow motion, the burn marks are there before the laserbolt hits the hatch. Then, when the laserbolt ricochets around the room, and in the rest of the scene, the burn marks disappear, reappear and change shape and position.
Correction: Per site guidelines mistakes that require stop or slow motion to view are not considered valid mistakes.
28th Aug 2003
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: Watch in slow-motion when Alderaan explodes: it looks as if it's an explosion superimposed over a planet image. There's also a strange thing moving on the upper left corner. It looks like a reflection of the explosion on something.
Correction: Per site guidelines mistakes that require stop or slow motion to view are not considered valid mistakes.
27th Aug 2001
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: If you look carefully during the prison escape you can see a few pieces of brass shell casings falling from the "blaster" rifles. Depending on how well your tape heads work in your VCR, you may be able to hit the pause/slow button and see the breach open on Han's gun as well, but if it hasn't been cleaned the sides of the guns are too blurred to see the bolt coming back.
Correction: Per site guidelines mistakes that require stop or slow motion to view are not considered valid mistakes.
29th Nov 2005
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When Luke walks over to the Jawa sandcrawler, the distance between the black hemisphere droid and the two astromech droids (R2-D2 and the droid with a bad motivator) changes between shots twice. (01:16:50)
Correction: Again, these are no mistakes but optical illusions caused by changes in camera angles and changes in the placements of cameras (in distance) not the placement of the droids or other characters.
29th Nov 2005
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When C-3PO lowers himself into the oil tub, Luke says, "It just isn't fair.", but his lips don't move. (00:19:00)
Correction: His lips absolutely move without question. If you run the scene on slow motion or frame by frame you can see that Luke's mouth opens and closes, especially clear right before he turns and walks towards C3PO.
But if you're only able to see it in slow motion, it doesn't count, according to this site.
True of mistakes, not corrections - if something looks like a mistake, but closer examination with slow-mo shows that it isn't, no point leaving it online as a false claim.
14th Nov 2005
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When Luke and his uncle are buying the droids from the Jawas, the uncle is relatively clean shaven. Later at dinner, he is suddenly sporting a very noticeable beard and mustache.
Correction: Totally incorrect. He may appear more clean shaven in the harsh light of the sun, but if you take careful note in close-ups, for example, when he tells C3PO that he needs a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators he is sporting the same beard and mustache that he has at dinner.
29th Nov 2005
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: After Owen buys C-3PO from the Jawas, Luke says, "All Right. Come on," and R2-D2 turns his head/dome. In the next shot, he repeats this movement. (00:17:45)
Correction: This is not true, it is a continuation of the same movement from a different camera angle.
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Correction: According to IMDb and Wikipedia Mr. Lawson has used both spelling of his name during his career, using Dennis in his early career which included the "Star Wars" movies. No mistake.